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long chapter ahead

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long chapter ahead

(T.W - syringes, blood, violence)

Minho sat on the couch, his phone pressed to his ear. "You saw him?" he asked, his voice laced with anticipation.

"Yes, I did," Felix replied, his grip tightening on the steering wheel as he stared at their target walking afar.

"So he's in that house still... didn't run because he won't find peace until he catches me" Minho chuckled darkly.

Felix's eyes narrowed, watching as the man entered the house. "Nobody is with him... So I'm going to get him as soon as the sky gets dark."

Minho raised an eyebrow. "How?... You didn't tell me that"

Felix chuckled through the phone. "Don't worry... I won't kill him... yet. We need some new evidence and things after all."

Minho was about to respond, but Felix abruptly ended the call.

He sighed softly, making up his mind to wait until Felix returned so they could discuss the plan in person. Talking on the phone too much in his current situation wasn't safe.

He closed his eyes, leaning back on the couch to get some peace of mind. But his thoughts drifted back to that night—

the argument with his brother over something their father had started.

He could still hear the sound of the bullets, see the image of his brother falling to the ground. Minho's eyes snapped open, his heart pounding. He stood up quickly, heading to the kitchen in search of a glass of water to calm himself.

As he drank, he breathed out, hoping everything would get to an end. The weight of his running away from the police searching him and their plan hung over him, but there was no turning back now. They were too far in, and too much was at stake.

Minho's thoughts returned to Felix. He trusted him.

As the hours passed, Minho found himself pacing. He needed to keep his composure, to trust in their plan and in Felix's abilities.

When the sky finally darkened, Minho's phone buzzed with a message from Felix: "It's time"

Minho took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. This was the moment they had been waiting for. He replied with a simple "Be careful" and headed towards the door.

Felix moved silently through the dimly lit house, his eyes fixed on the man sitting at the desk, oblivious to his presence. With swift, calculated precision, he pressed the high-dose syringe into the man's neck from behind.

The man's eyes widened in shock, but Felix narrowed his eyes pressed a hand over his mouth tightly, stifling any chance of a shout or scream.

Feeling Minho's dad's struggles weakened as the sedative took effect. Felix pushed him down to the floor, feeling the man's body go limp as darkness took him. He worked fast, tying the man's hands securely. He knew the sedative would keep him out for a few hours, but there was no time to waste.

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