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"Do you need help?"

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"Do you need help?"

Felix looked up to see Officer Keeho staring at him. "I... uh... It's okay... I'll just call my friend."

Continuing to check his car's engine, he focused on that, slightly avoiding the other's weird stare boring his back.

Keeho looked at Felix, chuckling. "With your body language...Doctor...I don't think so, your friends will be off duty now"

Felix, still focused on the car engine, mumbled to himself, "I appreciate the offer, but I've got it under control."

He hesitated for a moment before adding, "And for the record, Officer Keeho, my friends have a habit for always being on call when I need them."

"But it's getting late, and it's getting really cold. Do you want to wait here until they come in this weather?" The officer insisted.

Felix, glancing at the darkening sky, sighed.

"I'm offering to give you a lift downhill towards the town. You can come with me," Keeho smiled adding, extending a helpful gesture.

Felix considered the offer for a moment before slowly nodding muttering "Thank you, Officer"

Keeho nodded, offering a reassuring smile. "Not a problem, Doctor. Let's get you to a warmer place. Hop in." As he opened his car's door to the passenger seat for Felix.

Clutching his bag tightly, the doctor hesitated for a moment before cautiously getting into the car. Closing the door he watched Officer Keeho approaching, getting into the driver's side putting on his seatbelt.

The car's engine started, beginning to drive, leaving the hospital grounds as the night grew darker. The vehicle passed through the gates and headed towards the road leading downhill.

As they drove down the hill, the distant glow of town lights gradually became more clearer. Inside the car. But Felix couldn't shake the feeling of Officer continuously glancing besides him as they drove.

In a weary tone, Felix finally broke the silence still staring outside the window "Officer Keeho, is there something on your mind? Your glances are making me a bit uneasy."

Keeho chuckled exclaiming "Oh... Nothing much of thoughts, Doctor... It's just about Minho that comes to my mind whenever I see you..."

Felix shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his gaze flickering from the passing scenery to Officer Keeho. "Minho? What do you mean by that?" he asked.

Officer Keeho's eyes held a mix of emotions as he spoke, "Well, Doctor, Minho seems to have taken quite an interest in you. I can't help but wonder why he's fixated on a doctor like you as Seungmin say's. It's not something ordinary, and as an investigator, I find it intriguing."

Felix, feeling a tinge of discomfort, responded, "I'm trying to help. There's nothing more to it. His case is complicated, and I'm doing my best to understand and assist him."

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