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[a/n: I changed the main poster]

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[a/n: I changed the main poster]

"It's just sad to see our parents dig their own graves...getting into trouble....."

Felix's eye's widened hearing Minho's words a sudden panic rising in him, breathing out slowly looking down his hand's.

Sensing Minho's eye's on him he spoke softly, "I understand. It's tough seeing our loved ones go through difficult times. But sometimes, we can only do so much to help them. It's important to focus on the things we can control and find a way to move forward."

Minho scoffed, a bitter edge to his voice, "Who said it should be our loved ones? Sometimes, it's the people we're supposed to look up to, supposed to trust, that end up disappointing us the most. It's frustrating, isn't it?"

Felix sighed, his blank gaze, "Yeah, it is. It's like watching the people you once admired crumble right in front of you."

Minho replied with a touch of bitterness playing a smile on his lips "You're really lucky to have a good childhood.... And a family"

Felix, feeling the weight of Minho's words, he looked up staring at the older man who seemed calmer now.

Minho's gaze held a mixture of emotions as he continued, "Sometimes, I wish I could go back and change things. Make different choices, you know?"

Felix swallowed a lump in his throat before uttering, "What can we do... when things happen before we even realize?"

Minho, gazing into the distance, replied with a somber tone, "Sometimes, it feels like life is just a series of uncontrollable events, and we're left to navigate the aftermath."

Minho's eyes softened as he looked back into Felix's, a sad chuckle escaping the doctor's lips, an unspoken understanding passing between them in that moment of shared vulnerability.

He asked "You haven't still told a favorite childhood memory...Something that brings a smile to your face even now..."

Felix hesitated biting his inner cheeks...for a moment before a small smile crept onto his lips.

"Well, there was this time when my family went on a picnic. I was 10 my sister was 12. The weather was perfect, and we played games, laughed, and just enjoyed each other's company. It's a memory that still brings warmth to my heart.."

"Sounds nice" Minho replied, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia.

Felix carefully asked Minho "What about you, Minho? Do you have a favorite childhood memory?"

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