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(guys it's gonna get dirty

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(guys it's gonna get dirty....
so buckle up / full chapter smut ahead📍so skip to the end of it till it reach the normal talks, if it's not ur cup of tea)

Letting out a chuckle Minho removed the sheets that had been covering his lap the entire time. Felix gasped when he saw the other touching himself.

"I was just thinking about you." He lifted an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "From the moment I heard you're coming next.... I started...you know getting prepared"

Felix gazed down, transfixed as he watched Minho's fingers move up and down his own length. The sight caused a sudden surge of arousal in him.

"Felix," Minho groaned, feeling the familiar heat spreading through his body. "You're making this so much harder."

The other flushed diverting his gaze.

He couldn't help but be turned on by the power he held over him. He continued to stroke himself, "Look at me," he commanded softly. "

Taking advantage of the other's bare closeness, he pulled him sliding one hand up his thighs and under the shirt.

Felix bite his lips feeling the others hands grasping on his ass caressing it.

The contact sent shivers down his spine as he watched with mixed emotions. "You feel so good," Minho whispered, his free hand trailing along Felix's chest. "I want you so badly."

Minho's gaze never left his as he slowly pulled down his pants, revealing his perfect ass. He let out a low groan, unable to resist any longer. With one swift movement, he lifted Felix up onto his thighs

The doctor gasped straddling the others lap. Minho's heart raced as he held Felix in such an intimate position. His arousal was evident, pressing against other's ass. "You're so beautiful," he breathed, his fingers tracing light patterns on Felix's skin.

He stuttered out looking up at Minho "what do you want...?"

His eyes were full of desire as he looked down at Felix. "Do you want to know what I want?" he whispered, his fingers tracing slowly up and down Felix's thigh.

"Yes..." He replied nodding slowly.

"I want to feel you," Minho confessed, his voice rough with need. "I want to be inside you, Felix." His hand slid lower, teasingly brushing against the head of his arousal. "I want to claim you as mine even more baby"

Felix's eyes widened looking at him uneasy on his lap as his eye's followed down.

"Look at me, Felix," Minho's voice was gentle yet commanding, caressing his cheeks.

"I won't hurt you, I promise." He leaned down, his lips brushing against Felix's ear as he whispered, "Let me worship you."

Felix swallowed a lump on his throat feeling minho pulling his boxer aside.

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