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Minho smiled slightly, thinking about the things that could happen or probably were happening around him

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Minho smiled slightly, thinking about the things that could happen or probably were happening around him. It definitely gave him a sense of peace amid all the wreckage that was surrounding him.

He found some sort of solace in the depth he was going through, within his struggles to survive the life he was in. He calmly wrote in his journal, jotting down the daily bits of feelings, secrets, and every other thing that caught his attention.

That's when the lock to his room started opening clicking on, somehow anticipating to see Felix rather than Seungmin or Chan checking up on him.

As the door opened, crushing Minho's hopeful anticipation, his peace shattered upon seeing the last person he wanted to encounter. The worst choice of person stood before him, accompanied by Dr. Chan. Anger surged within him, his veins pulsating as he tightly clutched his book.

Minho's eyes glared into the unwelcome visitor as he stared at the man who had chosen this moment to pay him a visit after months.

The same man he used to respect and call as "Dad"

Minho's dad whispered to Chan, "Can you give me and my son some alone time to talk?". Chan silently nodded, glancing between both of them, before leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

The quiet click of the closing door gave the que for the man to talk to his son.

The man starred at his son "Minho, we need to talk," he began.

"What if I don't?" The other sitting on his bed rose up placing his book aside.

"We can't avoid this conversation, Minho. There are things we need to address," he said, his tone serious as he met Minho's gaze.

Minho scoffed, saying, "You want to say that you're going to ruin my life even more than it already is?" His words dripping with bitterness.

Dad narrowed his eyes, saying, "This isn't about ruining your life, Minho. It's about understanding and finding a way to move forward."

"Moving forward to accept that I killed my brother?... You want me to say that in court?" Minho's words hung heavy in the air.

Dad rolled his eyes, responding, "Minho, it's not about placing blame. It's about finding a resolution and healing for everyone involved, including yourself."

Minho narrowed his eyes, demanding, "What about me? What about my life? Doesn't it deserve to heal too!"

"Of course, Minho. Your life deserves healing too. But we can't ignore the consequences of the past. We need to find a way to navigate through them. We will find a better way to live after this" Minho's dad sighed.

Minho crossed his arms, a defensive posture, as he retorted, "Navigate through them? You mean drown in them. I need my own life, not one dictated by the mistakes of the past which I wasn't ever involved."

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