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Leeknow's frantic cry pierced the silence of the room, reverberating with urgency. His eyes shot open, wide with fear, beads of sweat glistening on his forehead.

Gasping for breath....he found himself tangled in the sheets, fingers gripping tightly in a mix of panic and disorientation. Sitting up abruptly, he whispered again, his voice sounding with a desperate plea, "mom!...."

The room remained eerily silent. He scanned the the dark dimly lit room, attempting to calm his racing heart.

Slowly drinking the water from the glass, reality settled back in, and he realized it was just a nightmare. Just the usual one. As he caught his breath, he couldn't shake off the lingering unease that clung to him.

With a shaky exhale, he laid back down. Closing his eye's to fall asleep by clutching his fist to control his welling up emotions to scream loudly in this quite night.

"He's being nice suddenly... Did he change his personality to the one before?"

Muttering to himself, thinking about Minho's sudden character changes, Felix massaged his temples. He couldn't meet Minho for the day. As he was again caught up with some other patients.

He said, "Probably he's switching personalities... Should I note these down in records?"

Closing the record book, he sighed adding, "Hmm..I'll think about this later....I'm tired for now..."

He walked out of his room just to check on a patient before he could leave for the day to rest on his comfortable bed back home.

In the corridors, he suddenly got the feeling of stares and heard whispers following him.

Felix turned around to see Seungmin slyly smiling standing aside with Keeho. He stared at them for a second before diverting his gaze shaking his head walking off to the patients room he wanted to check up on. Brushing off their stares and whispers getting a tang of weirdness from them.

Felix focused on providing Mr. Lim with his tablets and water, assuring him to get a good night's sleep. He offered a small, comforting smile and said, "Sleep well."

He observed the elderly man silently lying back down to sleep, then nodded to the nurse standing nearby as a signal that he was leaving. Felix walked out of the room, leaving the patient to rest.

Checking his watch for the time, Felix looked up only to see Seungmin and Keeho still standing there. He wondered what they were still doing in the hallway.

Diverting his gaze, about to walk past them, Felix halted abruptly as Seungmin interrupted his steps.

Seungmin, with a sly smile, said, "There's something you should know about Minho that I have in my mind. It might affect your treatment sessions."

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