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The hospital corridors echoed with the soft shuffle of footsteps as Felix walked through the hallways for his usual morning

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The hospital corridors echoed with the soft shuffle of footsteps as Felix walked through the hallways for his usual morning. Thoughts of Minho and Other things alerting him within the tangled web of emotions enveloped him, creating a heaviness that refused to dissipate.

As he approached his office, the weight on his shoulders seemed to intensify.

Entering the room, Felix found himself surrounded by the remnants of the day - scattered papers, a flickering desk lamp, and the persistent hum of the computer. He sighed.

The landphone on his cubicle room crackled to life. Picking up, Chan's voice resonated through the room, "Felix, a moment in my office, please."

A knot tightened in Felix's stomach as he suddenly made his way to Chan's office. Trying to figure his sudden calls.

The door creaked open, revealing Chan's composed expression that betrayed little of his thoughts.

"Sit down, Felix," Chan gestured towards a chair. As Felix settled into it, looking at Chan who leaned back in his chair staring straight, fingers clasped.

"I've caught wind of your secretive visit into the restricted area," Chan initiated, his stare intense.

Felix's eyes widened as he met Chan's gaze. "How did you...?"

Chan tilted his head, narrowing his eyes. "The surveillance cameras are working here well, Felix. Especially in important areas like the file storage space. I know that you had got through it by Changbin. I'll ask him later"

"So...care to explain?"

Felix hesitated, contemplating the delicate balance between truth and secrecy. "I needed more information about Minho's case. The file you provided wasn't enough. And you hided it from me"

Chan's expression remained unreadable. "And you thought breaking into a restricted room was the solution?"

"It was the only way. There's something more to Minho's situation, something you're not telling me," Felix asserted, the urgency evident in his voice.

Chan sighed, his shoulders sagging. "Felix, I understand your concern, but you must trust the process. There are protocols, and Minho's case is complicated. You are going to mess everything up if you are told unnecessary information which isn't required while you treat him"

Felix clenched his jaw, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "I can't stand by being dumb and watch without doing everything in my power to help Minho. There's a connection, Chan, and I need to uncover it."

Chan, with a stern tone, insisted, "Just... Do what I have told you to do. Okay. Do not do anything else like this to avoid letting me take actions on you and tell the Head Doctor about it...you don't want that."

Felix interrupted, "But-"

Chan cut him off, "No. Buts! Felix. You see, looking more into his case to that extent would cost you more than you think, okay?"

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