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"Good afternoon, Dr

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"Good afternoon, Dr."

Felix turned around to find Keeho approaching from behind. He was standing near the steps leading to the 4th floor.

"Good afternoon, Sir," Felix greeted Keeho respectfully.

Keeho responded with a somewhat enigmatic smile and a nod before heading up to the 4th floor.
"Alright we can get going then..."

Felix nodded swiftly following keeho carefully. Felix followed Keeho closely, his anticipation building as they climbed the stairs. Upon reaching a gate, Keeho skillfully rolled it open, granting them access to the 4th-floor ward.

The atmosphere here was notably different from the lower floors. The hallway was lined with closed room doors, and the distant sounds of patients could be heard. Some patients shouted in denial, and the overall ambience was filled with tension.

Their journey felt like navigating a dimly lit alleyway, with an air of unease and uncertainty lingering in the surroundings.

Keeho, taking a moment to provide essential instructions, informed Felix, "If you need anything, there's a red switch inside the room. Press it, and I'll see the light turn on outside the door. I'll be stationed here with my fellow guard, Changbin."

Nodding, Felix acknowledged these instructions. He then expressed his intent,

"I'll try to talk to him slowly. He might not reveal everything right away."

Keeho hummed in understanding as they continued walking. They eventually reached a corner where another man and a doctor, presumably Seungmin, stood in front of a door. Keeho walking towards them as Felix joined them.

Upon seeing Felix, Seungmin greeted eyeing him "Good Afternoon, Dr. Felix."

"Good Afternoon, Dr. Seungmin," Felix replied him.

Seungmin appeared to be in a somewhat playful mood. "Oh, so you already knew my name. Nice to meet you. I hope you're prepared, as Chan must have mentioned."

Felix nodded in affirmation. "Yes, I'm prepared. And Chan did mention your name."

Seungmin chuckled, seemingly amused. "Ah, I see. Well, I bet he didn't share the details of my daily struggles dealing with Minho. Congratulations on getting involved in this case."

Felix couldn't help but wonder if Seungmin's comment carried a hint of sarcasm.

Keeho decided to introduce Felix to another person present. "Dr, this is Officer Changbin."

Felix turned his attention to Changbin, noting his short and muscular build. He offered a friendly smile.

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Felix. You can call me Changbin."

Felix responded with a quiet "Nice to meet you too" and took note of Changbin's role as part of the security team seeing his black uniform.

Changbin further explained his role, "I'll be here most of the time, especially when doctors or nurses visit Minho. Maybe Keeho mentioned it, but you can press the switch inside if you need assistance."

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