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(A week after Felix's days in the hospital)

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(A week after Felix's days in the hospital)

A week into working as a doctor in M. H hospital. Felix was embracing the atmosphere and modes around his working space, had become increasingly accustomed to the unique atmosphere and routines of the psychiatric facility.

He barely saw Dr. Sunmi. She seemed to have a busy schedule with frequent meetings outside the hospital. However, Chan, had been exceptionally supportive, offering guidance and keeping an eye on Felix's progress.

Felix had also struck up a friendship with Han Jisung, a fellow staff member. Jisung introduced Felix to Jeongin, a friendly nurse, and they often spent break times together, sharing meals in the staff cafeteria or simply chatting during their rare moments of free times or lunch breaks.

For the time being, Felix's responsibilities were confined to the 2nd floor. Aware of his limited experience, he approached his duties with determination, aspiring to excel on this floor before moving on to work with patients on other floors.

One typical morning, Felix entered the hospital, making his way through the staff's rooms and hallways to reach his small office. He settled in, placing his belongings and gathering the necessary items for the day. After taking a refreshing sip of water, he ventured outside to begin his rounds, visiting his patients.

Ascending the stairs to the 2nd floor, Felix exchanged morning greetings with a few familiar staff members he have been seeing these days. Despite receiving minimal acknowledgment in return, he continued to extend warm greetings to his colleagues, trying to foster a sense of camaraderie.

"Felix! "

He heard someone calling his name and turned to see the cheerful Jeongin approaching him with his trademark dimpled smile.

"Jeongin," Felix greeted with a slight smile. "Good morning."

Jeongin matched Felix's smile and replied "Good morning."

They walked side by side toward the second floor.

Felix inquired, "Didn't you have an early shift today?"

Jeongin explained, "No, thankfully, I'm on the 8 am shift today due to some shift changes. It's quite a relief, though I could sleep in more but I do feel sorry for Seungmin"

Felix chuckled, saying, "So, you really dislike coming in early?"

Jeongin replied emphatically
"Of course! I'm not a fan of night shifts either because of how they mess with my sleep. And sometimes, the patients on night shifts really test my patience and my brain shut downs immediately!"

Felix giggled tilting his head seeing the dramatic expression of jeongin defining his sufferings.

"But you have been here nearly for two years right"

Jeongin nodded. "Yes, I used to work at another hospital, but it closed down for some reason. My dad worked here for many years, so I got connected through him. I've been running around this place ever since."

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