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(small bits of mature content coming here)

Felix, lost in his bundle of thoughts about Minho and the sudden visiting of his dad, he walked through the hallways towards the third floor.

About to step into the staircase, a hand suddenly pulled his arms pushing him aside to a corner, stopping him from moving further.

"Well... well... where are you rushing off this fast?" A chuckle erupted from the guy who was staring down at Felix.

"What do you want, Keeho?" Felix stared at him blankly.

Keeho smirked, his expression hinting at a mischievous intent.

"I wanted you all alone for me" He said, his words carrying a suggestive undertone.

Felix raised an eyebrow, a mix of confusion and annoyance on his face. "What are you talking about?"

Keeho leaned in closer, a playful glint in his eyes. "Just thought we could catch up, Felix. It's been a while, hasn't it after our little car ride?"

Felix tried to push him off, asserting his personal space. "I don't have time for this, Keeho. I need to go."

Keeho chuckled, staring into Felix's eyes. "Make time for me then... won't you, hmm?" As he pinched his cheeks playfully.

Felix moving his face away said firmly, "I don't have time for this now. Excuse me." He attempted to move past Keeho, determined to reach Minho as quickly as possible.

Keeho pushed him even more by his waist against the wall his tone carrying a flirtatious tone "ah-ah-ah... not now... There's nothing wrong with being with me for sometimes... Nobody is around here anyways..."

Felix, feeling increasingly uncomfortable, asserted, "Let go, Keeho" His tone was firm, signaling that he wasn't interested in Keeho's advances when he leant even more closer.

His felt keeho's breath touching his skin near towards his neck. As the officer whispered "Just a little bit of your time, Felix. It won't hurt."

He added, caressing Felix's neck, "You're really pretty... very much to my liking... No wonder why Minho only needs you to be with him..."

Felix, feeling uneasy and cornered, sternly stated pushing the other away "Enough, Keeho. Let go now."

Keeho groaned, immediately biting down on his neck, letting out a soft, painful whine from him.

Felix's arms were pushed onto the walls, making him stop moving from the officer's grip. Keeho continued to bite down chuckling, licking the skin over Felix's neck, intensifying the distressing situation.

The doctor found himself trapped and unable to escape. Felix in a verge of anger took his strength together pushed Keeho away. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" he exclaimed, holding his neck where Keeho had bitten him.

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