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note: (thoughts of felix is in cursive)

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note: (thoughts of felix is in cursive)

That night Felix was anxious. His heart beating faster, gasping for air he wakes up from his sleep. He struggled to catch his breath, having been thrust back. Another nightmare, he was tired of it. He was used to this for the past year. he noticed the frequency diminishing, which offered some peace. But nightmares still still invaded his sleep during at times like these.

He felt drained, as if his head might burst from the constant torment. Determined to regain control, he sat up and focused on his breathing, inhaling and exhaling slowly.

He reached for the water bottle on his bedside table. He gulped down the water slowly calming down his nerves sighing heavily.

A heavy sigh escaped him as he felt his racing heart gradually slowing down, and he rested his head against the pillows, gazing up at the ceiling.

Whispering to himself, he admitted, "I hate this... It's tearing away my patience... which isn't good for me right now... I should remain focused."

Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought of the recurring nightmares, forcing himself to hold them back, biting down on his lips to stave off the sobs that threatened to break free.

He shut his eyes tightly, unwilling to think about the haunting images, and somehow, due to the lingering tiredness, sleep eventually carried him away from the upsetting thoughts before robbing him of his sleep once more.

Felix as his current daily routine woke up fine without the grip of the events last night. While he had grown accustomed to these. They continued to take a toll, leaving him with a heavy heart and frayed emotions. His heart and emotions drenches even after a year of experiencing these.

He proceeded to prepare his usual breakfast, brewing coffee and making a sandwich. He had it before gathering his belongings, he focused on the drive to R.H. Hospital, where the chilly October morning still bore traces of the previous night's rain, casting a hazy, smoky texture over his car windows.

 Hospital, where the chilly October morning still bore traces of the previous night's rain, casting a hazy, smoky texture over his car windows

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