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In the dark night, while most of the people were sleeping

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In the dark night, while most of the people were sleeping. The halls of the hospital was silent and deserted. With no one much around excluding the few staff members that walked around once in awhile.

Felix walked in search of the block were every sacred files for everything were kept in the huge hospital. Which was definitely in the ground floor as it was the only staffs occupied floor.

He got himself a night shift as one of his patient Miyeon was under an emergency situation. As she was his patient he had to stay in to make sure she was okay for the night with other nurses who usually stay for night shifts. After making sure she was alright giving her medicines, checking on her as she slept off.

He wandered around cautiously passing each rooms in the hallways. In search of the specific room he had been looking for. Walking corners from corners late at midnight, he finally noticed the room he needed.

Oh yes. He had got a spare key by persuading changbin. Felix felt so bad for using changbin around for things he wanted. But he had to lie by saying chan had denied to give him when he wanted to fetch a file.

While chan did not even knew Felix had an urgency to go to the files room. Felix wanted to be alone.

"I hope no one comes around... please" He whispered looking around before opening the lock carefully

Felix stepped into the room, the dim light from his small flashlight revealing rows of file cabinets. The air felt heavy with the weight of confidentiality. He began searching for any other files related to Minho.

"It should be somewhere here..."

Felix's voice carried a note of determination as he scanned the towering file piles, his flashlight revealing the vast expanse of information tucked over the shelves. A sigh escaped him, as he pointed his torch over the sections.

Walking up to each shelf, a stroke of luck brought his attention to the years taped on them. There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes as he whispered,

"Where's the 2023 one... hmm" With careful eyes over the files for a good 15 minutes time, a sigh of relief escaped him upon finding the the shelf in between many of them around the dim dusty room.

Slowly grabbing a stool from the side, Felix started getting a mix of anticipation and nervousness. Each file he moved carried a weight of urgency as he searched for a specific name written on the cover page.

Time seemed to tick faster, and distant movements outside added an extra layer of tension.

A tad bit relief swept over Felix as he realized that nobody had noticed the missing lock on the room's door. But he felt a sense of urgency driving him to search even more hurriedly.

"There it is" His eye's widened, smiling slightly as he breathed out.

"Finally.... there it is" Swiftly taking the file from the shelf, he opened it. His fingers brushed over the personal details page, emotions flickering across his face as he went towards the personal records side.

Biting his lips in concentration, Felix delved into the file. A frown creased his forehead as he muttered.

"So they didn't give me the real thing... Hiding this from me... Or maybe other doctors won't know as well... nobody but Chan and Dr. Sunmi."

The weight of the revelation as he doubted, etched a mix of frustration and concern on his face.

The dim light cast shadows on Felix's face as he pondered the implications. "What else aren't they telling me?" His lips tightened with curiosity. Determination flashed in his eyes as he clutched the file.

"I'll find it out myself.... " As he opened it again eyes moving onto the details section. Lee Minho... his age.... His family and baground...

Felix stood still on the plastic stool, starting to read that particular section to know deep inside about Minho. His eyes focused on reading the printed words. Flashing up the torch on the sentences as he read.

His eyes, unwavering and focused, traced the lines that spoke of Minho's experiences, family, and background. He was getting near more and more informations.

Unaware of anything happening around him now. As focus delved onto him blurring off other things.


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Thank you for reading

I meant to write it this much only for this chapter. Next one will be long like most of the times. 😚

I broke my promise to post early. But damn life has something to get me busy with. I'm sorry for not being online to post chapters on time. But here I'm back! It's holidays coming up.. Hopefully fingers crossed I get enough time to write more🥺🤍

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