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Song: Nighty Night by Crush & Zion

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Song: Nighty Night by Crush & Zion.T

With his thoughts and emotions swirling, Felix finally managed to calm his nerves enough to get some rest that night. The anticipation of his first day at the hospital weighed on his mind as he drifted off into an uneasy sleep.

The next morning, he woke up to his alarm blaring. Groggily, he got out of bed, splashed cold water on his face, and put on his doctor's uniform. His heart raced as he thought about the challenges that lay ahead.

Arriving at the hospital at 8 a.m. Felix was greeted by the bustling activity of the staff.

The next day right at sharp 8am Felix reached in closed doors of Chan's office. Taking deep breath slowly. Calming down his nerves knocking the door felix enters Chan's office.

"come in..... "

He saw Chan typing off on his laptop. Before looking upto Felix slightly giving a smile.

"Good morning Felix"

"Good morning, Dr.Chan" Felix greeted, his voice tinged with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

Chris grinned warmly. "Felix. Ready for your first day?"

Felix nodded, trying to suppress his nerves. "As ready as I can be, I suppose."

"Remember, take things one step at a time. You'll find your rhythm," Chris reassured.

As they conversed, a nurse approached Chris, seemingly in a hurry. "Dr. Chan, we have a situation on the 2nd floor, a patient is getting agitated."

Chris sighed and turned to Felix. "Felix, you'll need to shadow me today. I'll introduce you to the patients and give you a sense of how things work around here."

Felix nodded in agreement, grateful for the guidance. They quickly made their way to the 2nd floor, where Felix was introduced to various staff members and a few patients who were struggling with their conditions.

That's how I also happens to meet the doctor from yesterday who came before Chan left.

Dr. Han Jisung

Who also happens to be the same age as him. New recruit who came few months before Felix. Looks more of an excited person than yesterday which looked like having massive panic.

"Nice to meet you Felix. I'm Jisung"

"Nice to meet you too Jisung... You already know my name"

Jisung smiled looking at Felix

"Of course... Chan told me about your joining. And don't worry you can ask me anything"

Felix smiled nodding

"Thank you. I'll ask"

They continued checking over with the patients.

As the day progressed, Felix witnessed the delicate balance of patience and professionalism required to work with individuals dealing with mental health challenges. Chan proved to be an adept and compassionate doctor, handling each situation with a calm demeanor and a clear understanding of his patients' needs.

Towards the end of the day, Felix found himself alone in a small break room, taking a moment to catch his breath. He reflected on the events of the day, the stories of the patients he had met, and the gravity of his new role.

"wow.... That was something... "

Especially the man named Hwang Hyunjin who was so much into his stories about his visit to France to the Museams. As an Artist he also showed bunch and lots of his works to Felix. Pointing out a lot of meaning and considered points of the pieces explaining to him.

Also lady in her 50s Miyeon with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). ( OCD is characterized by unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors or mental acts aimed at reducing distress )

Who started talking about how her husband is coming to see her the weekend showing off her presents brought last time her husband visited to Felix. Also Talking about her daughter who's married.

Just then, Chan entered the room, a cup of coffee in hand. He leaned against the counter and looked at Felix. "It's a lot to take in, isn't it?"

Felix nodded, a mixture of emotions evident on his face.

"Definitely. I knew it would be challenging, but being here and seeing it firsthand... it's a whole different experience. But patients I met today were sweet and calm more than I thought"

Chan took a thoughtful sip of his coffee. "It's not easy, that's for sure. But it's important work. Every small step you take with a patient, every moment of understanding, it matters." Chuckling he continued

"Also yeah.. You just saw the 2nd floor today.. They are much much better than the other three floors"

Felix looked at Chan nervously

Chan smiled, setting down his cup. "Just remember, Felix, it's not about being perfect or having all the answers. It's about being present, showing empathy, and making a positive impact, even if it's in small ways."

Felix with newfound respect, appreciating his wisdom and guidance. "I'm grateful for the opportunity to learn from you, Chan"

As the day came to a close, Felix left the hospital with a mix of exhaustion and a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to make a difference in the lives of those under his care.

And so, Felix's journey as a doctor at the M.H. Mental Hospital had begun, filled with challenges, mysteries, and the opportunity to bring light to the darkest corners of the human mind.

Yeahh next chapter will actually be the important turn of the story

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