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(Felix's thoughts in cursive)

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(Felix's thoughts in cursive)

Felix was standing still, blankly staring, the weight of the recent encounter with Minho pressing on his shoulders. The thoughts crept into him, too much to bear. He hated overthinking, but in a situation like this, there was no other way than to think and think and think. He had to start doing something or the other.

Unaware of his surroundings, a soft side hug interrupted his thoughts, reminding him of the reality. Yes, He was standing near the parking lot, waiting for his friends after work.

"Felix.... I missed youu!" As a smiley Jeongin came in front of his vision clutching onto his sweater arms.

Felix accidentally let out a wince, the pain from Minho's tight hold still lingering on his skin.

Jeongin, noticing the subtle reaction, furrowed his brows in concern, retracted his hands"Are you okay!?" he inquired.

Felix panicked slightly he couldn't just say it hurts cause of Minho. So he put on a slight smile uttering "I'm okay...just a bit tired. How have you guys been?"

Jeongin asked again "But you can't be in pain if you are tired... Did something hurt you or what" Trying to inspect Felix's arm

Felix stuttered out pulling away his arms looking onto jeongin "k-kind of... when I unknowingly walked onto the door. My arm kind of got hit"

As Jisung also joined them staring at them on the commotion that's happening "what's going on... "

Felix exclaimed before Jeongin could "nothing much... We should go before it gets too late. Come on" As he walked towards his car"

As Jisung glanced at Jeongin who was staring at Felix, walked towards him. Jisung walked up to them brushing off their behaviour.

As the group of friends started off, driving to Jeongin's apartment in Felix's car, the car ride was a bit silent on Felix's side than usual, with the two friends noticing his quietness.

When they stepped into Jeongin's apartment, they all gathered around the sofa with the usual drinks Jeongin had in his fridge, passing them around as they started talking about things going on.

Felix did try to engage in conversations at times but mostly laid back on and listened to his friends conversations. Thoughts running again in to his mind.

"Is Minho changing his personality again after being quite for months after he killed his brother.....what's going on with him..... "

A voice interrupted
"Lix? Lix are you even listening?"

Jisung waved his hand in front of Felix, his eyes filled with concern, attempting to pull him back from the depths of his thought's.

Jeongin observed Felix with a furrowed brow, sensing that something was wrong.

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