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"on the day of the hearingthe day minho is forever gone away from the mental hospital"

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"on the day of the hearing
the day minho is forever gone away from the mental hospital"

The next day

As Chan had instructed, Felix took a leave and stayed at home. He found it difficult to relax, his mind preoccupied with thoughts of Minho and the hearing.

Despite everything, he felt a strong urge to see Minho one last time before the hearing, to make sure he was alright. After all he's a doctor beyond everything else.

Felix paced around his living room, the silence of his apartment amplifying his anxiety.

He picked up his phone several times, thinking about calling Chan or Jeongin for updates, but he hesitated each time, unsure if he should involve himself any further.

Eventually, he made a decision. He needed to talk to someone close to his heart, to open up about his feelings and emotions amidst his tumultuous thoughts.

Grabbing his car keys and putting on his coat, he stepped outside his door, determined to find some solace.

"am I doing this right mom?"

Felix took a sharp breath, looking down at his mother's tombstone. The afternoon sun cast long shadows across the cemetery, adding to the somber atmosphere.

He gently placed a bouquet of her favorite daisies next to the headstone, the vibrant flowers a stark contrast to the cold, gray stone.

Felix knelt down, his fingers tracing the engraved letters of her name.

"I don't know what to do anymore," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "I feel something is wrong everytime.... But I'm doing this for everything to be right"

"I haven't turned away to the wrong path, right, Mom?" Felix's voice quivered with doubt and longing.

He closed his eyes, trying to hold back the tears, but the effort was in vain. Sobs broke free from his lips, shaking his shoulders as memories of his mother overwhelmed him.

He remembered her gentle touch, her encouraging words, and the warmth of her embrace.

It felt like just yesterday that she had been there to guide him, to reassure him that he was on the right track. But now, for something he wanted to give her. Felix is standing before her tombstone, feeling lost and uncertain.

"Mom, I miss you so much," he whispered through his tears. "I wish you were here to tell me what to do, to help me make sense of all this. I'm trying so hard to do the right thing, but it feels like I'm failing."

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