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tomorrow is minho's hearing

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tomorrow is minho's hearing.

In the hospital Felix was nervous but curious. His breathe fastening as he's hurrying to the third floor. Felix's steps faltered slightly as he approached Minho's room, clutching his white coat for reassurance.

His heart pounded in his chest as he saw the security guards and nurses, including Jeongin, standing outside the room.

Minho's father has come to see him again before the hearing. Felix walked towards Jeongin, who was staring at him when he noticed him coming.

Felix scanned the group, his expression reflecting his confusion. "What is going on?" he asked aloud.

Jeongin whispered back, "The tension inside is confusing... Minho is really not in the best mood. The first thing he said when he saw his dad was to get out."

He opened the door and saw Chan standing aside with Dr. Sunmi as they watched the father and son. Felix noticed Minho in a huge temper, glaring at his father, who wore a contemptuous smile.

Minho's eyes shifted to Felix, his expression softening for a moment, until his father spoke again.

"You're going to be locked in that jail for killing your brother, Minho. Whether you like it or not."

Minho groaned, fists clenching as he stood up from his bed, about to launch at his father. Felix's eyes widened as Chan immediately intervened to stop Minho from moving further towards his father.

Without thinking about the situation, Felix said, "It will be all okay, Minho."

Minho snapped looking at him "Don't say that, Felix! Out of everyone here, you know me better than anyone else. So don't you dare tell me it's going to be okay!"

Felix said softly looking at him "I know you're angry, Minho. But we need to stay calm and think this through."

Minho's dad, smirking, said, "Listen to your doctor, Minho. Maybe he can help you come to terms with your fate hmm? how about that"

Minho got even angrier, his eyes blazing with fury. "Shut up!" he shouted at his father. He looked at Felix "You don't know anything about me then or what actually happened!"

Chan tried to calm him down, holding on to him tightly. "Calm down, Minho-"

But Minho ignored him and moved towards Felix. "Do you stand with this man against me like everyone else in this hospital?"

Felix said blinking "No, Minho, I'm on your side. I just want to help you through this."

Minho scoffed chuckled mocking it "You've been saying those words of sympathy since the day I met you. It's not going to work this time"

Felix said what he had on his mind without hesitation, not minding that Minho's dad and the others were in the room.

"What else should I tell you? When you're absolutely unclear about your feelings... I don't understand what's going through your mind sometimes."

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