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Felix hesitated at the entrance of the hospital, his heart pounding as he glanced around

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Felix hesitated at the entrance of the hospital, his heart pounding as he glanced around. The weight of recent events pressed heavily on him, and he felt the stares of those around him.

The news of Minho's innocence, Jinyoung's crimes, and Felix's involvement had spread quickly. The whispers and pointed looks told him that everyone knew, perhaps even about his mother's murder.

He had come to see Chan, but he needed to face his friends first.

"Jeongin?" he called out softly.

Jeongin turned from his desk, his eyes widening in surprise. He walked slowly towards Felix, the air thick with silence. Jisung appeared in the doorway, having heard from a staff member that Felix was in the building.
Glancing at both of them, Felix sighing deeply. "I'm sorry for hiding everything... for saying lies..."

The other two exchanged a glance. Jeongin was the first to speak, his voice curious. "Felix, we heard everything. Is it true?"

Felix nodded, his gaze dropping to the floor. "Yes, it's all true. I was trying to find out the truth about my mother's death..."

Jisung stepped closer, his voice softer. "Why didn't you tell us? We could have helped you"

Felix looked up, his eyes filled with regret. "I didn't want to drag you into my mess. I value our friendship so much. I'm so sorry for keeping you off"

Jeongin sighed, running a hand through his hair. "We were worried about you, hyung. We didn't understand why you were acting so distant.. You didn't called us back last few days after that wreck in Minho's room"

Felix's shoulders slumped, the guilt weighing heavily on him. "I know, and I'm sorry. I should have trusted you."

Jisung placed a hand on Felix's shoulder, offering a hug. "It's okay, Felix. We're just glad you're safe. And that the truth is finally out."

A wave of relief wash over Felix at their words. He had feared their disappointment... but they were understanding of him.

"Thank you" Pulling away he said, his voice thick with emotion. "Thank you for being there for me.." He looked at both of them.

Jeongin smiled faintly. "We're friends, hyung. That's what friends do"

Jisung nodded in agreement. "And we're here for you, no matter what"

"But aren't you going to see Chan?" Jeongin asked, concern lacing his voice.

Felix swallowed hard, feeling a knot of nervousness tighten in his stomach. "Yes... I should see him. But I'm not ready to face him."

Jisung stepped closer, offering a reassuring smile. "It's fine, Felix. He won't lash out at you. You know Chan. He's a soft-hearted person inside, despite that strong exterior."

Felix nodded, sighing deeply. "I know, but it doesn't make it any easier."

Jeongin added, "Talk to him, Felix. He's been confused and blanked out the whole day after the news broke yesterday. Maybe there's something he needs to talk about too."

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