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Music Playing : Dpr Ian Scaredy Cat

Chan took notice of Felix's frozen state. "It will be alright, you might have not expected that. But you should have. As this hospitals informations aren't out much. You should have known it will have things you won't have expected"

Felix starred at him from the papers.

"Don't need to worry about it. As you are still new to this career, It will take time for you to handle certain patients like that especially with criminal backgrounds. You are experienced in mild one's. So through more works and experience you will get there fine"

Letting out a sigh Felix asked

"Can you tell me about this different ward systems?"

"Hmm, but we should go to my office before discussing further"

Both of them walked outside sunmi's office locking the door. They walked to the other's office room.
After arriving chan gestured him to take a seat pouring some steamy hot tea from his flask in two glasses. Felix sat down taking the offered glass of black tea. As chan started explaining.

"So, from the ground floor which only has the staff rooms, from all above that the patients ward are situated.

• 4 sections that is 4 floors of wards depending on the patients level of mental illness.

• From the 1st thats in the 1st floor it's just minor problems as depressions and it raises from there.

• 2nd floor consists of more concerning depressed patients.

• 3rd floor it starts with a mix of severe cases and patients also included in minor criminal record's which aren't dangerous as criminals in the 4th floor.

• The 4th floor consists of worst cases of criminals psychotically ill and it is strictly prohibited for anyone excluding few medical staffs and police in duty on that floor.

These are the wards"

Felix nodded slowly understanding it.

"Also we have 42 nurses, 32 Doctors with few interns and police's with our security team"

"The rules you might have read it already. Do not forget the important one's. Be aware, every single time with your surroundings and take care of yourself while being here. Anything needed, please ask me"

Felix slightly smiling "I'll be aware, Thank you for accepting me, and trusting on me to work here"

"Oh it was a pleasure meeting you Felix. I saw you were from Australia too"

Felix eyes widened "Sir, You are from there too? Really!"

Letting out a chuckle chan said

"Yeahh, I'm from Australia,Sydney as well born and raised just like you"

"And don't call me sir it's a bit too formal for me just call me Chan Or Chris"

"Yea-hh sure, chan" Giving him a nervous smile.

"So how did you ended up here choosing this career despite after taking medicals?"

Felix felt his heart beating fast.. Feeling a a lump in his throat.

"Oh I-

His words were halted when a knock was heard before it was opened by a short man. He glanced at Felix before diverting it to the person he came for.

"Chan there's an emergency on the 3rd floor. Hurry!!" The said man also had the doctors uniform.

Chan without any thoughts, swiftly stood up taking his belongings.

"Felix come here sharp at 8am tomorrow. I have to go now"

Before even Felix could reply. He followed the doctor who again stole a glance at Felix going with chan hurriedly.

Felix came back home not so long ago getting a call from his elder sister right after. Talking to her about getting in the hospital.

"Felix you deserves this.. I'm so proud of you" As his sister showered him with compliments.

Smiling slightly Felix sat on his bed.
"Thanks to my sir.. I was just lucky enough"

"You worked on it too So Hard! He just recommended you. I would have hugged you so much if I was there"


"What?? Can't I not be happy for my brother-
giggling she sighed softly talking seriously.

-And I know you are nervous about this job and you should tell me if anything is bothering you-"

"This is what I have chosen. Don't worry" Felix sighed.

"I know that.. But-

"Yeah, I'll tell you if I'm not feeling it" He softly whined

"Hmm.. You should definitely" Warning him.

Felix rolled his eyes nonchalantly changing the topic asking about her well beings.

After his talk with his sister laying on his bed. He thought about his decisions on choosing this hospital.
Telling himself that it will be fine the, nervousness is totally normal. This is what he wanted and learnt for all these years.

"Mom, I'm going to be fine. Right?"

He sadly smiled remembering her smiling face. How much she will be happy to see her son achieve his career.

(Minho will be introduced in the next chapter)

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