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His name echoed through the silent room, a sudden gasp escaping Felix as panic gripped him. The fear of being caught reading in the forbidden room in the dead of midnight without a soul knowing sent shivers down his spine.

Clutching the file to his chest, Felix gasped and, in his haste, forgot about the unstable stool beneath him. As he moved, the stool shaked, unsteady in the darkness, and before even realization could hit him. He was falling.

Eyes squeezed shut, before he could fall onto the floor.

But an arm suddenly had secured him from falling as he stood closer to them. He was standing next to the person who had caught him red hand.

Felix's thoughts ran around being caught between relief and the fear of consequences, braced for the aftermath. He had indeed screwed up. Chan will dismiss me from here

"Oh Lix! What are you doing in here at this hour?" a voice cut through Felix's swirling thoughts.

"Huh...what?" Felix stammered, swiftly moving from them. Composing himself and meeting a familiar person's gaze. Too much familiar that they called him "lix"

"Lix hyung? Are you even listening to me"

Felix, staring at his close friend, nodded slowly, but anxiety brewed beneath the surface as Jeongin pressed on

"What were you doing at this hour?" His gaze fixated on the file now cradled in Felix's hands.

Stammering, Felix struggled to say "I... I was looking for this file, Jeongin."

Jeongin arched an eyebrow, a skeptical expression painting his features.

"Who's files? You could ask for it from Chan or someone else senior in the day time because you are a doctor... Nurses are the one's who are forbidden from taking anything from here..I would understand that but you're coming in like this?"

A lump formed in Felix's throat as he swallowed hard, conceding, "I needed this urgently... That's why I came past midnight."

Jeongin, stepping closer, towards Felix. His eyes flicked to the file, and realization dawned.
"Lee Minho? You're taking his file?"

Unable to deny it, Felix nodded, "I needed this... It was important."

Jeongin's expression shifted to one of deep concern, voicing his worry, "Hyung? Aren't you looking too much into his case? You're even putting yourself in dangerous situations like these. What if someone else had caught you?"

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