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(full on smut chapter📍)

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(full on smut chapter📍)

Felix watched Minho who insisted on helping with the dishes, leaning on the counter as he dried them with a towel.

"What are you thinking about, staring at me like that?" Minho, focused on washing the plates muttered out.

Felix, caught off guard, looked away quickly. "Umm... nothing much... I was just thinking about you."

Minho chuckled, setting down the plate while washing "Is that so? Should I be worried?"

"No, no, nothing like that," Felix stammered, trying to regain his composure.

Minho smirked, moving closer to Felix. "Well, if you say so. But I wouldn't mind if you were thinking about me," he said, his voice low and teasing.

Felix's cheeks flushed even more, but he couldn't help but smile "You're impossible" he said, shaking his head.

Minho grinned "And yet, you seem to like it" he whispered.

"Whatever" Felix scoffed ignoring his blush.

Minho replied with a playful grin, keeping the plates away. "Well, if you keep looking at me like that, I might start thinking you're falling for me," he teased, his tone laced with flirtation.

"Don't worry... I'm not that easy," Felix chuckled drying the plate.

Minho turned off the tap and dried his hands, his smirk still present.

"But you even slept with me without hesitation" he pointed out turning aside to look at him.

Felix paused for a second before rolling his eyes and looking Minho up and down.

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy that one bit" Minho said, reaching out to caress Felix's cheeks.

"That was just a situation... and it happened... well okay multiple times" Felix said tilting his head looking away.

"Multiple times huh" Minho said leaning closer. "I did not know you kept count". He whispered, trying to steal a kiss from Felix.

Felix stared at Minho who placed his hand around him pulling him closer.

Minho's lips curled into a teasing smile, as he pressed his lips against Felix's, his smirk turned into a moan while kissing. He pulled away slowly, giving a playful wink. "I think you like me more than you want to admit" he said.

"Fine, I'll admit it." Felix said with a smirked keeping his arms around Minho neck. "But only because you caught me off guard, that's all"

"That's all I need to hear" Minho chuckled replied, wrapping his arms around Felix and hugging him tightly. He pulled back a bit and gave him a gentle kiss on the lips before letting go.

But Felix scoffed pulling him more into a searing kiss caressing his neck behind.

Minho was caught off guard for a moment, but he quickly recovered, deepening the kiss and moving his hands to explore Felix's body instead.

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