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Felix sat in his chair, his fingers slightly trembling as he carefully removed his white coat

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Felix sat in his chair, his fingers slightly trembling as he carefully removed his white coat. The terrace visit with Minho had left him with a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts that he couldn't shake.

As he gazed at the white coat in his hands, his mind replayed the conversations he had shared with Minho about roses. The enigmatic reference to the "wrecked rose" being his mother.

Felix leaned back in his chair, his eyes unfocused as he murmured to himself.

"What could have happened to his mother?" The question hung in the air, unanswered, filling the room with an uneasy tension.

He reached for his water bottle on the desk, his hand trembling ever so slightly as he brought it to his lips and took a sip. Felix continued to voice his doubts, his thoughts swirling,

"It's not what I'm thinking, right?"

Next Day,

In the office,Felix's brows furrowed with concern as he questioned
"Is there any problem on not having it today?"

Chan, focused on his laptop screen, responded without looking up,
"No, there won't be terrace meetings for today."

Perplexed, Felix probed further, "Why not?"

Chan finally met Felix's gaze, his expression serious.
"Police officers are coming back today for the weekly questioning. Since he has started talking to you, they believe he might reveal something substantial."

Felix couldn't hide his worry as he countered, "But, sir, it's not been much time since Minho has been talking to me."

Chan acknowledged the challenge but emphasized the situation

"I know, Felix, but you have to understand that this case isn't handled solely by our authority. While he's our patient, he's also considered a criminal by the outside world. The police will persist in questioning him, especially now that they're aware of the changes in his behavior."

Felix nodded, understanding the complexities of the situation. He was well aware of the delicate balance they had to maintain, dealing with a patient who was both a potential criminal and someone showing signs of rehabilitation.

"Alright, I get it," Felix sighed, leaning back in his chair. "I just hope this doesn't put too much pressure on Minho and set his progress back."

Chan shared his concern, his tone sympathetic. "I know, Felix. We'll do our best to ensure that the police officers handle the questioning delicately. But we also have to consider the possibility that they might uncover crucial information about his past."

With a heavy heart, Felix realized that the road to understanding Minho's true story would be filled with hurdles.

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