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(a/n: we have been actually seeing peace before the storm till the chap10

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(a/n: we have been actually seeing peace before the storm till the chap10. I warned you in the intro that things will get wild and wilder. I'll warn you when it comes in specific parts. So It's time to brace yourself to check out things start twisted...shall we start...)

"Did you really kill your brother?"

The room seemed to hold its breath as they waited for Minho's response, the silence stretching into an uneasy pause.

Minho's gaze remained unreadable for a moment, a subtle shift in the atmosphere. Finally, a wry smile curled on his lips as he replied, "Ah, Felix-

However, a hard knock interrupted Minho, and Felix realized time was up Changbin was calling him out. Despite the interruption, Felix waited for an answer from Minho, who kept silent, wearing a lingering smile.

On the other side of the door, Changbin's voice cut through, "Felix, Chan's coming up."

Felix's eyes widened walking towards the door, absorbing Minho's silent gaze. Minho muttered smiling, "See you later." With that, Felix opened the door and stepped outside, facing a skeptical-looking Changbin.

Footsteps neared them as Felix thanked Changbin and walked off towards the staircase, noticing Chan approaching.

Felix simply looked at him and walked past without saying a word.
He could feel Chan's stare boring his back.

Felix walked downstairs, his mind buzzing with questions about Minho's past and the mysteries that lingered between them. The uncertainty of what lay ahead hung in the air as he sighed prepared to navigate the complexities of their interactions.

Next day,

Felix entered the hospital with a composed demeanor, contemplating Minho's unsettling presence. Mentally preparing for whatever might unfold, he commenced his day attending to regular patients before the inevitable encounter with Minho. Climbing the stairs, he encountered Jisung.

Jisung, full of enthusiasm, exclaimed, "Hey, how are you, Lix?"

Felix smiled slightly replied, "I'm alright."

Jisung hugged him, saying, "We haven't seen much of each other lately. Jeongin and I miss you at lunch."


Felix started to apologize, but Jisung intervened, "Hey! Don't say sorry we understand. Your involvement in Minho's case has been wild....."

Felix nodded, smiling slightly, "Yeah, it's been quite a bit..."

Jisung inquired, "What's going on with it now?"

Felix responded, "It's been alright. He's talking to me here and there."

Jisung hummed, "Yeah... So, um, I wanted to ask if you are free to meet at Jeongin's house this evening. Like usual..."

Felix considered it, then nodded, smiling, "Yeah, I'll be there. I missed you guys too."

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