◇13◇ (M)

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(chapter full on smut ahead)

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(chapter full on smut ahead)

Felix managed to slip away from Minho's grip on the terrace when he received an urgent call from Changbin about a patient emergency on the second floor. Rushing downstairs, he couldn't shake off the feeling that Minho wasn't pleased to see his doctor leave suddenly, his darkened stare leaving Felix tense.

Feeling even more tensed, the doctor knew he had to visit Minho in his room today. The memories of their last encounter in that dimly lit space played on a loop in his mind, adding an extra layer of nerves.

As casually and calmly as possible in front of changbin Felix got in the room carefully looking inside. To see Minho sitting on his chair writing on his journal.

Felix felt a wave of tension as Minho looked up noticing him, his sly smile sending shivers down his spine. "Oh, my favorite doctor has finally got time to see me now..."

Tensing up, Felix watched cautiously as Minho smirked and closed his journal, putting it aside. "What's wrong, Felix?" Minho's voice was low and seductive.

"N-nothing... I was wondering what you write in that book," Felix replied, attempting to maintain composure as he looked at the journal on the others hand.

Minho chuckled softly, "Oh, just my thoughts and feelings. Sometimes I write about you too." He leaned back in his chair, letting his fingers trace along the edge of the journal suggestively.

"oh.... " Felix's confusion deepened, curiosity clouding his expression.

Minho moved the journal aside of his table, he stood up slowly walking towards Felix as he said "should I tell you..."

"Yeah... you can," Felix replied,
caution evident in his voice. His eyes carefully watched Minho's every move, unsure of what to expect next.

Minho shifted the topic standing closely, saying, "Aww, but baby... I wanted to ask you, why did you leave me yesterday on the terrace? Hmm... you went away early, not considering me as your first priority."

Felix replied "That's I..." but was cut off by Minho.

Minho leaned closer, his body pressing against Felix's. "What's wrong with me?" he asked, his voice low and seductive. "You're still so tense... maybe you should tell me what's bothering you."

Felix looked at him wearily "You're not the Minho I have been seeing... you are someone else"

Minho's eyes widened slightly at that scoffing "Is that so?" he asked, his voice laced with slyness smirking more "Of course not... I'm not that guy who was trying to hide me off"

Felix's expression turned serious, "Why have you come now, after all these months?"

Minho's response held a nonchalant tone, "Well, I was bored. He was being so silent and hesitant. I had to deal with it, getting repressed in by his stupid tactics"

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