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"mornin' Gallaghers, and Nick." Tess greeted, as she walked through the backdoor of the Gallagher residence. "morning Tess." Carl said, as he sat down at the table.

Tess looked toward the noise in the living room, finding Frank yelling at Fiona over his dead girlfriend. "good morning." Fiona said, walking into the kitchen. Everyone was eating while Tess was helping herself to a cup of coffee.

"morning Fi, is Ian up?" Tess asked, before taking a sip of coffee. "i don't know." Fiona answered, rolling her eyes. Tessa set down the mug and made her was upstairs and to the boys room.

"Ian?" Tess asked, knocking on the door. no answer. she opened the door and found Ian wrapped up in blankets. she walked over to the bed a sat down on the edge. his work clothes were on top of him but he didn't seem to care.

"hey, you alright?" she questioned, rubbing his side. "yeah." he said rolling over to face her, "are you alright?" "been better." she responded truthfully. "yeah, me too." Ian said, sitting up in the bed.

"i just wanted to check on you. i gotta go, got school." Tessa said standing up and brushing down her jeans. "have fun." Ian said, running his hand through his hair. "yeah okay." Tess responded, walking out the door.

she walked downstairs watching Carl as he threw a stack of cash on the counter and then picked it up again. "let's go Nick." Carl said turning, landing face to face with Tessa, "you coming too, Tess?" "yeah." she said picking up her backpack and following them out the door.

"you cool with running some errands with us before school?" Carl asked turning to Tessa. "yeah, sure." she said. the made their way down the street and too their first stop.

Carl told Nick and Tess to stay out front while he did whatever he was going to do. Tess stood outside next to Nick as she messed with her phone. Carl came out and said they had one more stop before school.

"how's Mickey?" Carl asked, breaking the silence. "in jail." Tess said, keeping her eyes straight ahead. "no shit! for what?" Carl asked. "trying to kill Sammi." Tess responded bluntly, looking over at Carl. they eventually made it too their next stop and then off to school.

Tess went inside while Carl stayed outside claiming he, 'he business to attend too.' she went through the day and then she walked into 4th period to find Carl. "hey." Tess said, as she walked over to him.

"sup." he said, leaning onto the table. Tessa watched as Carl walked over to Dominique. she watched the interaction between to two until the curly haired girl walked away and the teacher walked in. Tessa sat infront of Carl in her seat.

"don't." she said turning around to face the boy. "what?" Carl asked, furrowing his eyebrows. "she's a liar, a cheater, and a skank. you don't want to get caught up with her." Tess whispered, eyeing Dominique. "i can handle my own." Carl said, leaning forward into Tess's face.

she could feel his breath on her face, and to any outsider you would think they were about to kiss. Tessa's face heated up and she smirked, "your funeral." Tessa turned back around and faced the front.

the teacher questioned Carl about Nick, but soon dropped the subject. the day ended 3 periods after that and Tess made her way outside. in the distance she saw Lip sitting against the hood of a car, and Debbie storming off. she jogged over towards Lip before he drove off.

"what are you doing here?" she asked, approaching the car. "well i was supposed to take Debs to the clinic, but she said no." Lip said, looking towards where Debbie was.

"can i get a ride to work?" Tessa asked, with a smile. "hop in." Lip said, walking to the drivers side. the two got in the car and Lip drove Tess to work

girl crush, Carl Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now