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it had been about a week since the Gallagher's got evicted. Carl came through Tess's window every other night, just to sleep in her bed. it was great for the two teens.

it wasn't great for Ian. he didn't know what to do. the sentence, 'she's under my skin, man,' Carl had said to him a week ago, stuck in his head. he didn't know whether or not to tell Tess about it, or keep it between him and Carl.

"Ian?" Tess asked, waving a hand infront of the readhead's face, "we're you even listening?" "uhm?" he hummed, blinking a couple of times.

Tess had been ranting about Carl for most of breakfast. not that Ian minded, but he zoned out thinking about if he should tell Tess.

"do you think that it's weird that Carl is coming through my window every other night just to sleep? like does he want something more? is he expecting something more? also countering on that, is it weird that he's still chasing after Dominique and flirting with her, but also flirting with me? also, forehead kisses, are those meant to be romantic?" Tessa rambled.

"no, i think he just finds comfort in you. no, and no. yes, he needs to chose. and no, i give you forehead kisses all the time." Ian answered, putting his plate in the sink, "he loves you, Tess. only time will tell if it's in a romantic way. and regarding Dominique, they'll get together and then she'll fuck it up and he'll come crawling back to you."

"you think?" Tess questioned, looking up at Ian. "i do." he replied, kissing her head. a knock at the door ended the conversation and Tess went to answer it.

"speak of the devil." Tess hollered, so Ian could hear her. "uh?" Carl questioned, walked into the house with Nick following him, "we're going to look for a car, wanna come with?" "sure let me go change." Tessa nodded before running upstairs.

Ian poked his head around the corner and looked at Carl, "she gone?" Carl nodded and Ian walked into the front room. "listen i don't know what to do, our conversation from the other night is driving me crazy." Ian stated, pacing the room.

he looked towards Carl, who looked extremely confused. "'she's under my skin, man.' was that something i should tell her? or are we keeping it between us? cause it's sounds like to me, you admitted your in love with her." Ian ranted.

"yeah, uhh, maybe don't tell her." Carl said, scratching the back of his neck. "okay. okay, i wont then." Ian said, letting out a breath. "hey, we ready to go?" Tess asked, coming downstairs, "what are we talking about?"

"nothin. you ready?" Carl asked, looking over at the girl. "yep. bye Ian." Tess hollered, as they walked out the front door. the three teens walked all the way to what looked like a junkyard. as soon as they walked through the door Carl put on his gangster act.

this guy showed them cars as they walked around. "retired police vehicle." he stated, pointing towards a black car, "can still smell the junkie flop sweat. perfect for a couple of punks like yourselves, and the young lady."

Carl asked Nick how he felt about the car, to which he answered something about a bike and respect.  "who's ready for some juice?" the guy asked, turning the radio on. he talked about the radio, until Nick stopped him.

"got no license." Nick shrugged, and the guy handed him the keys. the three got in the car. Nick getting in the driver seat, Carl in the passenger, and Tessa in the back.

they drove around for a little while until it got late. and Carl dropped Tess off at home. once in the house Tess took off her shoes and headed upstairs.

"Ian?" she hollered out, knocking on his bedroom door. "Tessa?" he mocked, opening the door. "your brother bought a car today." Tessa stated, tossing her backpack on the bedroom floor. "oh yeah?" Ian questioned, laying on his side on the bed. "yep." Tess replied, flopping back on the bed.

girl crush, Carl Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now