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"mornin' Gallaghers." Tessa smiled, coming downstairs. "hey babe." Carl said, kissing the girl. Carl stood with his arm wrapped around Tess's waist while he opened a letter.

"shit." Carl muttered. "what?" Tessa asked, looking down at the note. "i asked the academy if they could help me out or anything, you know? but they turned me down flat. damn Comanche gets a full ride, and i don't get a cent." Carl explained.

"Carl, i told you-" Tess was stopped by a hand being put over her mouth. "hush. i told you i'm not taking your parents money. there already doing to much. i'm not gonna ask them to help me with school, too." Carl stated, looking down at the blonde.

"did you just fucking lick me?" Carl asked, looking at the now wet spot on his hand. "yes." Tessa nodded. "how much more you need?" Ian asked joining in on the conversation. "after the junkie downstairs, i'll still be $4,227 short for this first semester." Carl replied.

"Carl that's-" Tess tried speaking
again, but a hand stopped her. "what if i give you $5,000 to kill Fiona?" Ian asked his younger brother. "murders a capital crime, Ian." Carl stated, "i'd do it for ten."

Carl finally took his hand off Tess's mouth and she just rolled her eyes. "i'm gonna go drive fake Uber today." Car said, turning to his girlfriend. "be careful please." she smiled.

"i will." he said, leaning down and kissing her. "bye, love you." Tessa beamed. "love you too." Carl replied. one more kiss and Carl was out the front door, with Ian tailing behind him.

Tess went up to Carl's room and changed into clothes. she left and drove to her dads business. her dad was José Reed. he owned the biggest law firm in Chicago. he was very good at what he did. mainly because he was very argumentative, which is where Tess got it from.

"hi, Diana." Tess greeted, walking past the women's office. "hey, Tess." the women smiled, waving to the girl. it was a huge office building. everyone who was straight out of law school got a cubical, and everyone who took on the big cases got a huge glass office.

"hi, Lora. is my dad in?" she asked her father's receptionist. "yes, ma'am." she nodded. "thank you." Tess said, before walking in.

"si, las dos rubias. te llamare luego. mi hija acaba de entrar." (yes, the two blondes. i will call you later. my daughter just walked in.) her father finished, before hanging up the phone. "hi, dad." Tessa smiled, hugging her father. "hello, beautiful." he dad greeted, kissing her head.

"dad, i need a job." Tessa stated, sitting in one of the chairs in front of his desk. "what happened to Fiona's diner?" he questioned, leaning back in his chair. "i quit. i need a real job. i have a kid on the way." Tessa told him.

"okay, i respect that. you wanna do filing and copies? i can pay you to do that." he suggested. "okay, great." Tessa nodded, "start next Monday?" "whatever you want." her father nodded.

she thanked her dad, and then left. Carl called her telling her to meet him at the house. "what's up?" she asked, walking up the Carl kissing him. "Brad is on a bender, and he's missing." Lip explained.

Brad was Lip's sponsor. he was supposed to keep Lip sober, but that was kind of hard when he was out somewhere hammered and not answering his phone.

"i was wondering if you could help?" Carl asked. "of course." Tess nodded, looking over to the man sitting on the couch, "your Lip's ex-professor, right?" "yes." the man nodded, "professor Youens."

they loaded up in the car, Carl and Tess getting in the front, and Lip and the professor getting in the back. "Carl, you spelled Uber wrong." Tess stated, looking at the cardboard sign in the window. they we're currently under a bridge, looking at Brad's truck in front of them.

girl crush, Carl Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now