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Tess pulled up to the Gallagher's house and noticed a women sitting on the front steps. "what the fuck?" she mumbled, getting out of the car, "Monica?" "Tessa, right?" the blonde women asked. Tess just nodded and unlocked the front door.

Monica got up and acted like she was gonna come inside. "no. if your outside it's for a reason." Tess told her, before closing the door and locking it. Tess turned to see Lip standing at in the kitchen doorway.

"so your not dead or in jail. good to know." Tess stated, patting his shoulder as she walked past him. "how's your hand?" he nervously asked, as the teen poured herself coffee. Tess took a sip and looked up at him, "better then your beautiful black eye."

"yeah, you did a number on it." Lip nodded and Tess just shrugged, "i just wanna say i'm sorry. you know, for yelling at you, and just everything that night." "it's okay." Tessa smiled, "wanna ride to work?" "beats having to walk."

Tess and Lip loaded up in the car and drove to work. "you miss Carl?" Lip asked the blonde. "yeah." Tess nodded. "i'm surprised your not sick of him." Lip laughed, "you guys spend all your time together. even before you were dating."

"i guess. i don't know." Tess shrugged, "he left me a note in his clothes drawer. it's in the center console, if you wanna read it." Lip opened the center console and grabbed the folded piece of paper.

he opened it up and read it, "Carl wrote this?" "yeah." Tess nodded. "he must really like you, because that's not like him at all." Lip said, folding up the note and putting it back. "i know." Tess laughed.

"you two idiots gonna get married, have a baby, and grow old together?" Lip questioned. "i hope so." Tess said, glancing over at him. "you wanna grow old with Carl?" Lip laughed. "yes. why is that so hard to believe." Tess laughed, with him.

"you wanna a little Carl running around? or a little Tess? or even worse, a mix of the two of you." Lip asked. "yeah, that kid is gonna be a terror." Tess nodded. "yeah. it's gonna have Carl's IQ, your attitude, and both of y'all faces. let's not even get started on the fact that the kid might be bipolar." Lip explained.

Tess and Lip continued to talk until they got to work. they both worked an 8 hour shift, so after their shift Tess took Lip to the Alibi and went home. she changed before heading back to the Gallaghers. she sat around with Fiona, until Lip walked in.

"fucking Monica. what the fuck?" he said, walking into the kitchen. "you saw her, i'm guessing?" Fiona asked him. "i saw her this morning. she tired to come in the house with me." Tess explained, getting up from the table.

"yeah, at the Alibi." Lip said, taking off his coat, "so she got Franny back ?" "what? how?" Fiona questioned. Franny was taken by Derek's mom and sister. Derek was Franny's biological father.

"no fucking clue." Lip told Fiona. "so Monica can come in, do one thing, and she's fucking mother of the year." Tess ranted. "i was at Derek's house every mornin', but Monica waltzes in, takes all the credit." Fiona said, as Tess sat back down.

"i thought you were trying to let Debs do her own thing." Lip said, with a cigarette between his lips. "i thought so too." Tess added. "they took Franny. she needed help." Fiona said, glancing at Tess.

Tess felt her phone ring in her back pocket and excused herself out the back door. "hey Mom." Tess said, answering the phone. "Tess." she sounded worried, "you need to come home. now."

"what's going on?" Tess asked. "Tessa, i'm telling you to get home now. so do it." her mom demanded, before hanging up. Tess went back inside and grabbed her backpack.

"where you going?" Lip questioned, as the girl rushed around. "home. my mom called, told me to get home right now. peace out, y'all." Tess replied, slinging on her backpack.

girl crush, Carl Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now