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"Fiona, your dogs been barking all fuckin' night." Carl groaned, as he walked downstairs holding Cora. "the dogs worse then Cora." Tess said, following behind Carl. "wasn't Rusty. he was with me at the apartment." Fiona stated.

"Carl, give me Cora so i can feed her." Tessa said, trying to take the baby. "can she have a bottle? i wanna hold her." Carl whined. "no, she can not. you can have her back as soon as she's done." Tess said, taking the baby.

she went and sat on the couch, draped the cover over Cora and fed her. once she was done she burped her and gave her back to Carl. "hi baby." Carl beamed, taking the baby back.

"did we get another dog?" Lip asked the kitchen full of people. "that's Toto. he's tied up outside." Debbie replied, walking into the kitchen. "the fucks a Toto?" Lip questioned. "like the dog from Wizard of Oz." Tess stated, filling a bowl of cereal.

"yeah. he belongs to the hipster couple up the street. i got a job dog sitting." Debbie explained. then Cora started crying, attracting the attention of the whole kitchen. it was very strange, as it came out of nowhere and she didn't cry very often.

"oh, what's wrong?" Carl asked the baby in a baby voice. "let me see something. hold her up." Tessa told Carl, and he did as told. Tess opened up the babies mouth and felt around. "yep. she's teething." Tess stated, wiping the saliva on her pants.

"how do you now?" Carl asked, looking up at Tess from his seat. "she's been sucking on her hand, and there's a hard spot on her gums." Tessa explained. "hey, Tess." Ian said, pulling the girl into a hug, kissing her head.

"you and, uh, Trev boning again?" Lip asked Ian. "definitely turning a corner." Ian replied. Fiona just looked around the room. "everybody's boning somebody but me?" Fiona questioned.

"me and Tess aren't. she's still healing, and has a high chance of getting pregnant again." Carl stated. "plus we get no alone time." Tess added, looking over at Cora, who was sucking on her hand.

"Duran and i call it 'besties with benefits'" Debbie shrugged. "does a hickey count?" Liam asked Fiona. Tess just looked at Carl, who looked just as shocked as her.

"i'm gonna go shower." Carl said, getting up. "okay." Tess nodded. Carl kissed Tess, before leaning down and kissing the top of Cora's head. Tess watched Carl go upstairs, and turned to see that the whole kitchen was watching her.

"what?" she smiled. "god, you guys are so in love." Fiona laughed shaking her head. "we have our moments." Tessa shrugged.

once Carl was done in the shower, Tess showered and they went to the Alibi. "Kev, wheres V i need baby advice?" Tess asked, walking in with Cora in her stroller. "i'm right here, what's up?" V announced, coming out of the back, "oh, Cora. hi."

V took the baby out of the stroller and held her. "she's teething, and i know it hurts. what did you guys use for the girls when they were teething?" Tess asked. "baby ibuprofen. also the frozen teething toys. we got you some for the gender reveal." V said, playing with Cora.

"okay, thank you." Tessa nodded. "take a minute. i'll watch her." V told the blonde. "you sure?" Tess asked. "yes, girl. you and Carl have been working your little 17 year old asses off. take a break. she'll here when you get back." V smiled. "thank you." Tess beamed, sitting down next to Carl.

"here." Carl said, passing Tess a Shirley temple. "thanks." she smiled. "how old are you guys?" Tommy asked the teens. "17." Tess responded. "and you have a kid?" Kermit confirmed. "yes, we do Kermit. it's that a problem?" Carl asked, turning to the older man.

"no." Kermit shook his head quickly. "good." Carl said. "i don't see an issue you guys having a kid. especially if your doing a good job, and keeping it alive. which you have." Kevin stated, wiping down the bar. "thank you, Kev." Tess nodded, "not all teen parents are shitty."

after they talked some more, Carl took Cora from V and they left. the two teens and the baby made their way to Target. when they got there Tessa went to the baby aisle, with Carl and Cora following closely behind her.

"what are you looking for?" Carl asked, as Tess scanned the aisle. "baby ibuprofen." Tess muttered. Carl looked up the shelf, grabbing a bottle and handing it to Tess. "thank you." she smiled.

"huuuu." Cora babbled. the two teens looked over to to see their baby smiling. "hi." Tessa grinned. Carl pulled the baby out of the car seat, and held her. they stood in the aisle for a good while just messing around with Cora. until they noticed someone stand next to them.

"sorry." Tess said, pulling the cart over to them. "your okay." the women nodded, "she's beautiful." "thank you." Carl smiled. "is she's yours?" the women asked. "yes." Tessa nodded.

"i wish you the best of luck. i had my oldest at 15." she told the two teens, "how old are you two?" "17." Tessa told her. "that's a bit of a better age." the women added. they talked for a few more minutes, until Cora got fussy and they left.

they went out for food and then went back to Tess's house. on the way home from dinner, Cora fell asleep in the car. they changed her carefully and laid her down in bed. the two teen got changed, and passed out as well.

the next morning the family went over to the Gallagher's house. "mornin' Gallagher." Tess said entering the kitchen. "mornin Tess." Ian greeted. Carl walked in placing Cora's car seat on the table, taking her out.

"another gaycorcism's going down. gotta gather the kids." Ian said, jumping up and basically running out the door. "he still on his gay Jesus shit?" Tess asked, filling a cup with coffee. "yeah." Lip nodded.

"missed call from Sierra." Liam said, handing Lip his phone. "oh, fuck." Lip muttered. "Sierra?" Carl asked. "your still chasing her?" Tess added. "us Gallagher's such at relationships. you two just got lucky." Lip said, looking at his phone.

"my aunt and uncle are gonna be here for lunch." Tess said, looking up from her phone. "which ones?" Carl asked, bouncing Cora in his knee. "the ones that hate that were teen parents. Bob and Laura." Tessa stated.

Tess changed into an orange sundress, that matched with Cora, and Carl wore an orange shirt with khakis. Tess never told Carl what to wear, but when it came to being around her side of the family she had too. Carl didn't mind, it was less for him to do.

they met Tess parents, and aunt and uncle at the restaurant. "hi." Tessa greeted, as Carl carried Cora in. they sat down, Cora being pasted to Tess's mom. "Tess, how have you guys been doing?" her aunt Laura asked, giving the waiter their menus.

"we been doing good. real good." Tess nodded, looking over to Carl. "yes they have, and Carl goes back to military school in a few months." Tess dad told them. "military school?" her uncle asked.

"yes, sir." Carl nodded. "you gonna join the service?" he questioned. "i'm not sure, sir. i would love to serve and protect, though." Carl stated, making Tessa's uncle nod.

"how's the baby Tessa?" her aunt asked, as the waiter brought out their food. "Cora is great." Tessa nodded, taking a bite of her salad. after a very uneventful lunch they went back to Tessa's house.

"wanna take Cora in the pool?" Tessa asked, pulling out a bathing suit. "absolutely." Carl responded, before running out of the room. Tess changed and Carl came back with Cora's bathing suit.

they all changed and went out back. Tess and Carl got in testing the water, before bringing Cora in. Cora laughed the whole time. "i think she likes it." Tessa stated, dunking the baby in up to her chest. "yeah." Carl nodded.

Carl took the baby, throwing her up in the air. "Carl, stop." Tessa said, hitting his chest. "she loves it, Tess." Carl said, as Cora giggled, "right? tell mommy you love it. 'mommy i love when daddy throws me around.' see what did i say." Carl said, talking for the baby.


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