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"Tess, can we just talk?" Rachel asked, following the girl into the kitchen. "not right now. i have to make my daughter breakfast." Tessa stated, not even bothering to turn around. "then when? cause this is the last day of the trip, and were all leaving in a few hours." she pointed out.

"later." Tessa shrugged, sitting Cora down at the table. Rachel just groaned, before turning around and leaving. "you gotta talk to her." Alejandro said pouring himself coffee. "what'd you say? i couldn't hear you over all the kids." Tessa rolled her eyes, cupping her ear.

it was true the kids were in the living room being loud, but they weren't that loud. "morning." Carl smiled, wrapping his arms around Tess's waist. "hey." she greeted, turning in his arms to kiss him.

"ewww." Mateo yelled, breaking Tess and Carl apart. all the kids were standing there staring at the couple. "oh, you don't like that?" Tess smirked, watching all the kids shake their heads. Tess just pulled Carl back in.

"stop. stop. gross." Diego yelled, throwing a stuffed animal at the blonde. "i think it's sweet. they love each other." Elena smiled, making her Barbie's kiss. "thank you, Elena." Tessa grinned, walking over and ruffling the girls hair.

"how did you have a kid if your not grown ups?" Emilio asked his older cousin. "who wants breakfast?" Tessa asked, switching the topic. all the kids went into an uproar. they all sat down at the table.

all the adults were outside, talking while drinking their morning coffee. leaving Tess, Carl, and Alejandro to man the kitchen. eventually they got it under control, and all the kids were sitting in front of full plates.

"you take your meds?" Carl whispered to Tess. "no. shit." she whispered back, before running upstairs. she went to her room and into her bathroom. filling her cup with water and then dropping her meds into her mouth.

"is now a good time?" Rachel asked, in the doorframe. "god, you're relentless." Tessa rolled her eyes, pushing past the girl. "i'm sorry, Tess. is that what you wanna hear?" Rachel asked, following the girl out of the room.

"you only sorry cause your boy got his ass beat." Tessa smirked, turning to face the girl. "he-" "didn't get his ass beat? yeah right." Tess cut the girl off. "i should have stopped him." Rachel stated. "yeah. you should've." Tessa shook her head.

"i'm sorry. i am. i should have never let him talk to you guys like that. or talk about your daughter like that. i am sorry." the brunette exclaimed. "i'm glad your sorry, but your not the one that should be apologizing." Tessa stated, gesturing to the boy standing behind Rachel.

Rachel turned to see her boyfriend standing there. "shouldn't Carl apologize for beating him up?" Rachel questioned, raising her voice. "if memory serves, your boyfriend threw the first punch. technically that's a law suit." Tessa pointed out, "and we have a damn good lawyer. so i'd be careful about how far you wanna take this." 

Tessa just turned and went back downstairs. "you okay?" Carl asked, standing at the bottom of the stairs. "yeah." Tessa nodded, taking a deep breath. "okay." he said hugging the girl.

Tessa phone rang, causing her to pull away from Carl and answer it. "Parker, hey." she smiled, walking towards the back door. "Parker?" Alejandro asked Carl. "her brother." Carl stated, walking over and picking Cora up and setting her down in the floor.

"isn't Mickey her brother? the criminal?" Alejandro questioned. "Parker is her biological brother." Carl explained. "Tess has a biological brother?" the boy shouted.

"yeah. did you not know that?" Carl asked, cocking his head to the side. "no." the other boy shook his head. "shit." Carl whispered, "well now you do." "how could she not tell us?" Alejandro asked Carl. "i don't know. everyone back at home has met him." Carl stated, pouring himself more coffee.

girl crush, Carl Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now