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"morni-" Tess stoped noticing Fiona on the phone. "hey, Tess." Fiona whispered, waving to the girl. "is Ian here?" Tess asked. Fiona nodded and Tess went upstairs.

she opened the door to Ian's room and noticed Trevor and Ian laying in bed. "fuck, Tess." Ian groaned, "do you not know how to knock?" "i do. i just choose not too." Tess smiled, sitting at the foot of the bed.

"well we're in the middle of something." Ian whispered. "i'm sorry, how many times have you interrupted me when i was having sex?" Tess questioned with a smirk. "twice." Ian answered. "exactly." Tess exclaimed.

"you interrupted her and your brother having sex? twice?" Trevor asked, sitting up. Tess nodded and Ian rolled his eyes. "what do you actually want?" Ian asked the blonde. "i have a doctors appointment later. i just wanted to know if you could come." Tess said standing up. "yeah. i'll be there." the redhead smiled.

Tess went to leave before being called over. "what?" she said, turning around. Ian opened his arms and Tess hugged him. he kissed her head and then they pulled away. Tess left the room and saw Liam in the hallway.

"bean." she exclaimed, picking the boy up. "Tess." he grinned. she carried the boy downstairs. she set him down and Fiona handed him his lunch and backpack. "bye, Liam." Tess said, kissing the boys head.

after Fiona and Liam left she helped herself to coffee, and then went and sat on the couch. "what's with the little dog?" Tess asked, looking at the door as Lip walked in. "long story." he rolled his eyes.

"yo." Ian greeted, walking into the living room. "hey, what up?" Lip asked, still messing with the dogs collar. "hey, this is Trevor." Ian introduced, "my brother Lip and his little dog."

Lip and Trevor shook hands, and Tess watched from afar. "you, uh, got rid of the dude with the lady parts." Lip said, "what was his name?" Tess slapped a hand over her mouth, "oh Lip." she muttered.

"wow." Trevor said. "Trevor." Ian muttered. "well i gotta go to work." Tess said, leaving the awkward situation. Tess went out to her car and drove to the dinner.

"hey, Sierra." Tess smiled, walking through the doors. "hey." Sierra greeted. Tess went to the back room and changed, and then started taking orders. she was all fine until she saw Dom walk in, and sit in her section.

"hi, i'm Tess, and i'll be your server this morning. can i start you all with something to drink?" Tess said, in her customer service voice. "oh, hey." Dom said to Tess. "Dom, hi." Tessa trying to keep her cool.

"i heard Carl went to military school. did you guys break up?" Dominique questioned Tessa. "no, actually. we're doing long distance, and it has been working really well. probably, because he trusts me not to cheat." Tessa smiled.

"oh, well i thought since he kissed me, you guys broke up." Dominique bragged. "no. probably, because he didn't kiss you. you kissed him, Dom. maybe you got him mixed up with one of the other 20 boyfriends. oh wait, he isn't your boyfriend anymore, because you fucking cheated on him. he's mine now. and i would never do that. " Tessa hissed.

"everything okay, Tess?" Sierra asked, standing behind the girl. "actually, Sierra no. i'm gonna need you to take this table. i don't take orders for skanky bitches." Tessa hollered, before storming off. "Tess." Lip grabbed her arm.

Tess ignored him and walked into the back alley. she took a deep breath and let out a shakyer one. she dialed Carl's phone, even though it wasn't likely that he would pick up.

when it went to voicemail she started to talk, "hey. i know your probably busy, but i just needed to talk. Dom came into the diner and just was being a bitch. i'm like on the brink of a panic attack, and i don't know why. it might just be because i'm worried about my doctors appointment later. i asked Ian to go with me, and he said yes, but i haven't heard from him. well i love you and i miss you. call me back if you can. okay, bye."

girl crush, Carl Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now