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"think we should do something?" Debbie asked, referring to Fiona who was upstairs yelling at Ian. "she brought it on herself." Tess stated, taking a bite of her bagel.

"she survived prison." Carl stated, "she can handle the ice bucket challenge." Debbie continued to talk about Fiona, and then Frank entered the conversation and Tess stopped listening.

"livestocks be fed and watered, sir. permission to attend last day of school?" Liam ask Carl. "permission granted." Carl nodded. "Carl, you gotta stop using Liam to take care of your prisoners." Tess told him, getting up putting her plate in the sink.

"i still need $3,527 for tuition." Carl told his redhead sister after she complained. "i told you-" "no, Tessa." Carl yelled at the girl. Tess watched at Brad entered the kitchen and then sat down on the floor and cried.

Debbie said something to him and then turned to Tess. "god, your huge." Debbie said, putting her hands on Tess's bump. "7 months yesterday." Tessa beamed. "Cora is the size of a pineapple." Carl said, dumping his bowl in the sink.

"okay, i'm gonna go do intake on the junkies." Carl said, leaning down and kissing Tess. "okay." the smiled. she watched as Carl went down to the basement, and then she went upstairs and got ready for work.

"hey, dad." she greeted, walking into her fathers office. "hey, Tess." he said hugging his daughter, "hello, Cora." Tessa just smiled and went over to the filing cabinet. the phone started ringing a Tess's dad picked it up.

"hola. ¿qué ocurre? no, la furgoneta negra. sí. te di un trabajo, era simple. una cagada más y terminarás como los Lance. ¿lo entiendes? bien. han sido atendidos. bien, adiós ahora." (hello. whats wrong? no, the black van. yes. i gave you one job, it was simple. one more fuck up and your gonna end up like the Lances. do you understand? good. they have been taken care of. okay, goodbye now.) her dad hung up the phone.

Tess was confused. who were the Lances? what happened to them? what black van? none of it sounded like a new case her dad was taking on. she didn't ask because she knew she shouldn't have been eavesdropping, but it was hard not too.

she continued to work, and continued to overhear her father's conversations. he had another conversation about a client, but he spoke in english. then he had another conversation about a border somewhere, and that was in Spanish.

once she finished the day she went back to the Gallaghers house. "hey." she smiled, seeing Carl come up from the basement. "hey." he greeted, walking over and kissing her, "how was work?" "weird." Tess stated, putting her backpack on the table.

"how?" Carl asked. "my dad was on the phone and he was speaking Spanish. he was talking about a black van and how someone was gonna end up like the Lances." Tessa explained, sitting down on the couch and taking her shoes off.

"who are the Lances?" Carl asked, grabbing Tess's foot and massaging it. "not a clue." Tessa shrugged. "well, i just had one of the junkies flirt with me and tell me to make a ransom video." Carl said, grabbing Tess's other foot.

"a ransom video?" Tessa confirmed. "uh-huh." Carl hummed. "she flirted with you? you tell her you got a baby on the way?" Tess questioned. "yes, Tess. i told her i have a lovely girlfriend and a daughter on the way." Carl nodded.

"you better, or i'll whoop her ass and your ass." Tessa threatened. "okay." Carl laughed, "gotta go check on the junkies. i'll be back." Tessa nodded, and Carl kissed her and then went back to the basement.

Tessa sat on the couch and watched TV, until Carl came back upstairs. "i just made a fucking ransom video. they responded, so i'm going to pick up the money." Carl told Tess. "okay, please be careful." "i will. love you." Carl kissed the blonde. "love you too." Tessa smiled.

girl crush, Carl Gallagher Where stories live. Discover now