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"fuck." Tessa exclaimed. her water broke. this was really happening. "Carl!" she yelled, seeing as the boy wasn't in the room. "what wrong?" he asked, rushing into the room. "my water just broke." Tessa stated, "we don't have to leave right now. but, we gotta make sure everything is together."

Tess and Carl went into the nursery and made sure everything was together. after they finished, they brought the bag downstairs. "hey, mom." Tessa greeted. "you okay, darling?" her mom asked. "my water broke." Tessa shrugged.

"oh my goodness. do you have everything together?" she asked. "yes." Carl nodded, helping Tess sit in the couch. Tess mom called her dad and Carl called his family.

"they said let them know when we leave, they'll meet us there." Carl said, putting his phone in his pocket. Tess just nodded breathing through her contractions. after an hour the contractions started to get closer.

"we gotta get going." Tess stated, as Carl helped her up. "how close are they?" her mom asked. "4 minutes." Tess stated. Carl went and helped her to the car. Tess's mom drove Tess's car to the hospital, which had the car seat in the back. while, Tess's dad drove her and Carl to the hospital.

once they were at the hospital and Tess was in a room, Carl called his family. when they arrived at the hospital Tess was already 6 centimeters dilated.

two hours after arriving at the hospital their daughter was born. Cora Jayd Gallagher. CJ for short. "here you go mom." the nurse told Tessa, handing her Cora. Tessa was sobbing, and so was Carl.

the two teens got to sit with the baby, until they took her for tests. once they came back with Cora, the doctors and Tess were trying to get the newborn to latch. within seconds Cora was latched, and Tess was breastfeeding.

after Cora finished eating, Tess and Carl changed her diaper, put her into a cute onesie Tess got her; that was big because, Cora was very small, and let the family in.

Ian immediately ran over and stared at the little blonde baby. "can i hold her?" Ian asked like an excited kid. "yeah." Tessa nodded. Ian went and sat on the small couch and Carl handed him the baby.

"she's beautiful, honey." Tessa's mom said, looking down at the baby. "she is." Tessa beamed. "she must've got it from you. Carl's an ugly motherfucker." Lip joked, pushing his brothers shoulder.

the day went by quickly with all the excitement. when visiting hours were over everyone went home and it was just Carl, Tess, and Cora. Cora laid in Tess's lap as she stared at her, and Carl stared at Tess.

this was them. this was their little family. after 9 months Tess and Carl were finally parents. and after 3 days in the hospital they finally got to go home.

"Carl, drive slow." Tess said, getting in the backseat with Cora. "i planned on it." he said, getting in the drivers seat. the whole way home Tessa was a backseat driver, even though Carl was being extremely cautious.

to say that their first few nights were rough would be an understatement. on the 4th day of them being home Tess and Carl got a solid 8 hours of sleep between the two of them.

"mornin'- afternoon Gallaghers." Tessa said, walking into the back door of the Gallagher household. Carl followed behind her carrying Cora in her carseat. "oh the teen parents." Ian greeted, "you guys look like death."

"we feel like death." Carl stated, putting the carseat on the table, taking Cora out. "can you watch your niece, so we can get a little bit of sleep?" Tessa asked, handing Ian CJ, "please?"

"sure." Ian nodded. "great. best uncle ever." Tess grinned, before her and Carl ran upstairs. as soon as their heads hit the pillow they were both out for the count.

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