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[please know that i have no knowledge whatsoever about fashion, let alone fashion shows. so i put this together with some research from google and youtube. sorry if there are any experts among us lol... anyway enjoy!!]

。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚

Cole sighed and dusted his perfect clothes off for the umpteenth time. His nerves were going haywire which he didn't particularly like but he couldn't find any way to calm himself down.

The morning of the big day Cole didn't get his usual coffee order at his usual coffee place due to being so preoccupied with the show and all. However, he did spend most of his free time texting Kai. Although that wasn't anything new.

Ill pick you up at 18:00 ok?

see ya ❤

read, 16:57

He kept glancing at his phone as well, as if anything could change or something able of soothing his nerves could appear out of nowhere. Then he put the phone on the seat next to him, tapped his fingers against his leg and picked the phone back up.

“How long till we get there, Karlof?” he finally spoke up, trying to distract himself with a conversation which he knew wouldn't last long.

“Less than 10 minutes, definitely.”

“Cool,” he sighed. “Cool, cool, cool…”

“Nervous?” He saw him glance at him through the rearview mirror.

“A li– A lot.”

“It will be fine, I assure you.”

Cole hummed and looked out the window, only to spring up and hit his head on the ceiling which was way lower than usual.

“Pull over here, please!” he said as he rubbed his head. Karlof shot a puzzled glance his way but pulled up anyway and Cole quickly jumped out of the car, running across the glossy street to a flower shop that caught his attention.

Looking around as the doorbell sang for his entrance, Cole searched for the perfect flower. And then he got it and it didn't exactly help his nervousness but another wave of excitement washed over him.

He ran back to the limousine with the flower clutched in one hand. Urging Karlof to continue with their ride, he fixed his hair – just another anxious way to busy his hands. Lucky for him, even after their little delay, they arrived at Kai's place soon and it was time for Cole to get out again and pick Kai up.

Get out and pick Kai up so they can spend the night together and they finally get to see the design he brought to life.

Deep breath.

“Mr Brookstone? We're here.”

“Yeah. Yeah, I know.” This time Cole didn't even notice the way Karlof addressed him. Usually he would remind him to just be called Cole or at least Mr Cole because ‘Mr Brookstone’ has always been (and always will be) his father. Neither of them mentioned it now.

“Not to stress you out more but we do have to be there on time…”

“Right. Right, you're right.” Cole took another deep breath, internally scolding himself for losing his cool like that.

Not that there wasn't a reason for such a thing, he just didn't like losing control over his emotions no matter what. It's like slipping off the ledge of a mountain.

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