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[woah wtf thank you so much for 15k reads??? and 5k hits on ao3??? and 1k votes on my lava oneshots??? im speecheless (posts 2,7k words as we speak) thank you, thank you, thank you!!! you guys reading and commenting genuinely means so much to me<3]


“All right, soldier, here's the battle plan: First, we gotta prepare the cell for our enemies, then we give them a nice little shower because I hate dirty work and then we cut them up into little pieces so that there's zero chance for them to escape from the hell waters. And then we spice things up if you know what I mean.” Kai wiggled his eyebrows with a stupid grin on his face.

“I know that in the case of the soup we're talking salt and spices but I'm worried in the case of our 'enemies',” Cole replied hesitantly.

Kai's smile only widened at that. “Don't be a pervert, honey.” A pot was already sitting ready on the stove, Kai just turned it on and poured some olive oil inside.

“You said this will be easy and now you're just making it confusing.”

“Well, that means my quest to make your head spin is complete.”

“You don't need strange metaphors for cooking to do that, you know?”

Leaning against the kitchen counter, Kai chewed on his lip with a smile frozen on his face as he stared somewhere behind Cole.

“Yeah, okay,” they sighed, turning around to reorder the ingredients again. “You got a degree in flattery or something?”

Cole chuckled. “Would you believe me if I said I was the valedictorian of my class?”

“I wouldn't be surprised. And let me guess – you got to skip a year because of your exceptional knowledge?” They threw him one of the potatoes, then pulled out a peeler from one of the drawers. “I'm assuming you do know gow to peel potatoes? Or do you need help? I could help you like they do in the movies.”

“I was about to say I'm fine but now I'm starting to doubt my true abilities.”

“Oh, too bad, there was a loud noise and now we have to keep it in our pants until the next scene.”

Shaking his head, Cole sighed, “Darn telephones…”

“I keep saying they're the true evil but does anyone believe me? No.” Kai pulled out a knife and took one of the onions.

“Maybe because you're always on your phone?” Cole suggested.

Kai pointed at him with the knife before he used it to chop the onion. “First of all, it's because you're always texting me, second, hurry up and peel the guy before he escapes from your grasp and helps free the others.”

“I'm always texting you because you're always texting me,” Cole grumbled, fumbling with the potato in his hand.


“I'm sorry but now you made me think of this potato as a living person and it's freaking me out!”

“And you didn't freak out when your parents made you eat a whole plane? There could've been people visiting their families there.”

“That's an entirely different situation and you seriously need to stop personificating food,” he argued despite following Kai's lead and beginning to work. The wild imagery was still stuck in his mind, however.

When Kai was finished with the onions, Cole had already peeled a few of the potatoes they got ready. Together they had them cut and ready to go into the soup in no time. But they still had plethora of ingredients waiting.

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