“I'll leave you with Jay, he's taking care of the lights,” Nya told him just before abandoning him in the middle of the huge, yet unknown house, with the lingering question, “Who the hell is Jay?”
But of course, he should've expected it to be another canon ball of chaos. It seemed to be the only thing these people knew. Was everyone in Ninjago city filled with immortal energy or was that just his luck?
He didn't have much time to wonder about such things, for the energetic redhead was already filling him in with everything and Cole had to remind himself to pay attention. Can't risk missing out on anything, right?
“Hi, I'm Jay.” And Jay definitely knew how to shake one's hand. “Expert in the lighting department. You must be Cole, I've barely heard anything about you because no one in this darned house tells me anything. Nice to meet you!” Cole raised an eyebrow, ready to ask questions but it seemed that this Jay was also an expert in the lightning speed department. “You probably think, like everyone else, that all you have to do is place the lights and plug them in but I think I speak for both Kai and me when I say that that's boring and no one wants to be boring. I'm a master of light shows!”
Jay led him to a ridiculously huge closet filled to the brim with various boxes and Cole was once again left to wonder – especially because he got barely any chance to speak up, but he couldn't really complain because all the new things were starting to get a bit much – was there a chance that all of that was just lights? His arms were quickly full with tons of different tiny lightbulbs and lighting chains and he could barely see where he was stepping – which also wasn't good because this house was also apparently filled with cats.
There wasn't any dog because Jay is allergic to dogs which is also sad because Jay would really like a dog and name him Zippy. Instead he has a cat named Derpy. And it's one of the four cats that are officially living there. Along with a bird. It was safe to say that this house was mice-free. Except for the one pet rat that also belonged to Jay.
It was getting a bit too much, Cole thought his head might explode by the end of the day but even that could not ruin his overall excitement.
“Good thing you're tall, I won't have to climb the stepladder. I don't trust it. Not one bit.”
So Cole followed Jay's instructions on how to properly set everything up – he had to use the stepladder a few times which was enough for him to understand Jay's lack of trust. Why they didn't get some better equipment was added to the list of questions he probably was never going to ask.
On one hand, he was a little sceptical on Jay's conviction that it will look good because it was still quite bright outside and hence they could not test out how their work looked. On the other he simply assumed it was far from Jay's first time and he knew what he was doing.
Once their task was finished (which took way longer and was way more exhausting than Cole would've ever thought) and Jay's focus could be shifted again, he led Cole back inside with a phone in his hand, showing him some photos from his gallery while the rest of the house was still hectic in the preparations.
“Do you like synth-rock? I'm in a band with my two friends and before you ask, no, it's not Zane or Pixal or Nya and definitely not Kai. I don't think you know these two. Unless you know our band which would be cool but I don't think it's that likely.”
“This guy looks oddly familiar,” Cole muttered, pointing at the phone screen.
“Ever been at Mantray's? He works there sometimes. Or all the time. His brother is just such an ass and made him get a job there just so he can work instead of him. He's main vocals in most songs. Angels gave him his voice, I'm telling you, angels!”

Days Go By | lavashipping
FanfictionEven after moving to a completely new place, Cole is determined to keep his routines intact. That includes getting a large black coffee to go precisely at 7:00 at his local coffee shop. He just didn't know it went with a certain brown-haired barista...