Just boarded the plane, see you in 2-3 hours
not gonna wait if youre a second late tho
have a safe flight ❤️How sweet
Thank you honey :)of course 😉
Read, 10:58The airplane seats were too small to have a comfortable flight, Cole couldn't help but miss the abnormally comfortable bed back at the hotel and the whole cosy room and the nice mountain view that was about to be replaced with blocks of flats.
But coming back to Ninjago City meant seeing Kai again and reuniting with an even more addicting sense of comfort. And all Cole could think about was how he can't wait to be able to hold him again. Also the discomfort in the airplane seats. And how coming back to the city would've been considerably bleaker, had it not been for Kai. His thoughts sort of got lost in a cursed circle by then, instructions from the flight attendant fell on unhearing ears.
The rest of the flight Cole spent trying to kill the time in various different ways until it was finally announced that the plane was descending and the Ninjago City Airport came into view. Cole could practically feel the energy buzz inside him.
Picking up his luggage, Cole bid goodbye to the coworkers he shared the plane with and turned to look over the hall with only one face in mind. He almost fell over when said face assaulted his own but he didn't hesitate to kiss Kai back in the middle of the packed airport once he managed to keep his ground.
“I thought you weren't going to give me a welcome back kiss,” Cole said instead of a greeting.
“I very clearly remember telling you I have awful memory,” Kai replied instead of a greeting.
Cole brushed his thumb over Kai's cheek as if he needed reassurance that he was really back home again. To be fair, he could still be sleeping on the plane, considering how every moment with Kai felt like a dream – but he wasn't planning on getting overly sappy the moment he steps foot at the NC airport.
“Hi.” There was something soothingly addictive about Kai's entire being. They pulled him into another deep kiss which replaced any words necessary and their bubble remained even when their lips parted.
“You got everything?”
“All right, come on, I bought a car just for this.”
Cole pulled his luggage along, following Kai as if he was the north star. There was no one at the airport even when they had to zigzag through the crowd to get outside.
“Really?” His sceptically raised eyebrow remained unseen, however, his tone did not. Kai glanced at him, eyes squinted but a smirk playing on their lips.
“Oh, ye of little faith…”
They finally got outside, where it was as busy as back in the building, with cars and taxis stopping here and there and every other person either holding onto their luggage or someone else. Cole watched the cars Kai did, trying to figure it out, when Kai stopped and unlocked one of them, leaving Cole to gape at him and the grey Porsche by their side.
“Woah, where the hell did you get a Taycan? 4S or Turbo S?”
Like a stoic owl, Kai stared at him, blinked. “Where the hell did you learn a new language?”
“Okay, so what about its horsepower? Acceleration? How long does it take to charge?” Cole disregarded his suitcase, his focus on the car which still looked as good as new.

Days Go By | lavashipping
FanfictionEven after moving to a completely new place, Cole is determined to keep his routines intact. That includes getting a large black coffee to go precisely at 7:00 at his local coffee shop. He just didn't know it went with a certain brown-haired barista...