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"Well, isn't this a lovely sight!" Kai groaned, the sight of his sister slowly becoming clearer with each blink. She was standing there, her hands on her hips along with a smirk on her face. She also seemed to be tangled in some black hair.

Nope. The hair was on his face. Kai tried to blow it off but it didn't seem to be making any effect.

"Good evening, brother, what a nice new blanket you have here! Mind introducing me?"

Kai moved his head and tried to get a little better grasp of the situation. Cole's head was nestled in the crook of his neck, Kai's arms wrapped around him. And he couldn't move because - just like Nya said - it appeared he got a new blanket. But just as he shuffled around, Cole's head began moving and slowly the weight was raised off him. Which, if Nya wasn't standing there, observing everything with her prying eyes, would make Kai even more disappointed. They felt so warm and cosy and he wished for it to last longer so he could enjoy the embrace more.

It all felt so hazy.

Cole's face was right next to his when he murmured a sleepy sorry - and god, how could somebody get even more attractive when they just woke up? He felt Cole untangle and get off him, allowing Kai to move freely as well. Except he didn't want to.

But he stood up and faced his sister, rubbing his eyes.

"What are you doing here, sis?" he muttered and finally looked at her properly. She was still smiling as if she was getting ready to tease him in every way imaginable.

"I was nearby so I decided to give you a quick visit and what do I see?"

"Sorry, that's- that was my fault," Cole joined the conversation, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. Then he stepped up, holding out his hand. "I'm Cole Brookstone."

Surprise and recognition twinkled in her eyes as she shook his hand. "Oh, the Cole Brookstone?" she asked and Cole had to hope he didn't actually roll his eyes.

"Yeah, I-"

"The fashion designer? In my brother's house? Did I just enter an alternative universe? How did-" She glanced between the two, her eyes finally setting on Kai. "And you didn't bother to mention it?" Kai looked at Cole who failed to fight back a huge smile that was now brightening up his face.

"Yeah, as if I would ever tell you."

She turned back to Cole. "I'm so glad to meet you!"

"You know me?" he asked and Kai could drown in his gleaming eyes.

"Know you? Of course I know you! You're a rising star! Your designs are getting more and more popular with each day!"

"So you don't know me because of The Royal Blacksmiths?"

"Why would-" She paused, another wave of recognition washing over her expression. "Oh yeah, there's a Brookstone too, isn't there? No, my colleague is really big on fashion and she talks about it all the time. You're one of her favourite designers right now."

"Wow, that's..."

"Oh, shoot! I'm Nya Smith, by the way, the cooler sibling."

Cole laughed and looked at Kai. "Funny, out of everything, he failed to mention that."

"Yeah, he tends to forget certain things." She looked at Kai pointedly and the siblings seemed to have some sort of a stare-down. Watching them, Cole couldn't fail to see how similar they were. It was way more visible when they were next to each other right in front of him rather than behind plastic walls on a piece of paper. At last, Kai shook his head and headed for the kitchen instead.

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