He wasn't sure which was worse - getting pulled out of a dream or the warmth slowly leaving him? No, not warmth, the closeness, it was already warm enough. But before he could even open his eyes and see what was going on, there came a voice, shushing him.
"It's okay, just go back to sleep." It was so soft, so gentle and so he listened, quickly falling back asleep even though he still missed that close presence.
"Apple fritters!" Lloyd's exclamation was what woke him up the second time and he opened his eyes just in time to see Nya's head hit the floor as her pillow ran away into the kitchen. She groaned, rubbed her face and noticed Cole's stare.
"Morning," she muttered.
"Kai's making breakfast."
It was curious how despite sleeping on the hard floor (because there was a strange shortage of pillows that definitely had nothing to do with Kai) he felt quite well rested. It wasn't the best sleep he ever had but he also didn't feel like a walking corpse. Still, Cole made a mental note not to do things like this often.
Just the mere sight of the mess when he stood up made him groan. All that was on his mind was a desire to go to bed and stay there the whole day. With Kai, of course.
When he and Nya got into the kitchen, Lloyd was already sitting at the table, claiming a tower of the deliciously-smelling apple fritters. What a wonderful day to have working taste buds and an empty stomach! They both sat down and were quick to join Lloyd in something that could be considered a round of hungry hippos.
Kai handed his brother whipped cream and upon seeing that star-struck face, Cole wondered if it was the same person from the previous night.
They ate the breakfast together, Lloyd talked Kai's ear off until he choked on the food and was therefore forced to calm down, Nya stole cinnamon sugar from them while he wasn't looking because he had already so much on his plate, the fritters were closer to looking like snowy mountains. Cole enjoyed his food in contentment, simply enjoying the company. He remembered their three cats and how they would playfully fight - it wasn't that far from what was unravelling in front of him, especially last night.
Then it was time for Nya and Lloyd to go, so while she packed her stuff, Lloyd was forced to properly wash himself otherwise he wouldn't be let into her car.
"If I find a single stain from whipped cream you're a dead man."
Cole was helping Kai out in the kitchen when he found the prize for the bingo. However, Nya simply waved him off, insisting that he keep it 'as a gift' because she has the rest at home anyway. As much as he wanted to complain about what was the point of playing the bingo then, he was happy to have the delicacies for himself and decided to just keep his mouth shut this time.
"Lloyd!" Kai called before the two could leave and before his brother could even look at him, he was hit square in the face with a flying object. The same star-struck face from earlier that morning appeared when he picked up the lollipop.
"Cola flavour! Awesome."
He let the siblings say their goodbyes and went to clean up the mess they left behind in the living room. The door clicked and the voices shut up, signalling that they were alone at the flat again.
"See? It wasn't that bad," he said, having heard Kai's footsteps come close.
"Don't expect this to happen often. Best I can do is once a year."
"Yeah, I'm good," he replied, trying to arrange the pillows back the way they were but his attempt at doing a good deed was disrupted once he felt Kai's hands snaked around his waist.
"How about we forget about this mess and just go to bed?" they murmured to his ear.
"Is that your mantra?" Cole teased but he already knew his answer to the suggestion. How could he say no to that sleepy voice?
If Kai was a siren, Cole would be doomed right away.
"It is when I'm tired and have an opportunity to cuddle my boyfriend in peace."
"I can't say no to such beautiful words." Out of the corners of his eyes, he saw Kai smile.

Days Go By | lavashipping
FanfictionEven after moving to a completely new place, Cole is determined to keep his routines intact. That includes getting a large black coffee to go precisely at 7:00 at his local coffee shop. He just didn't know it went with a certain brown-haired barista...