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Cole might have as well stepped onto a catwalk when the bell above him dinged, despite the fact that only one person in the whole coffee shop looked him in the eyes.

Skylor kept glancing between the two as she managed Cole's order. While Kai moved around like an action figure with barely any joints and did everything in their power to avoid the opportunity to shoot heart eyes Cole's way, Cole watched him like a kicked puppy. He almost tipped the cup over and probably wouldn't even have said goodbye had Skylor not done it first.

Kai leaned onto the coffee machine for support, forcing his eyes to stay open and focused but his vision kept getting blurry. All the noise around dug through his ears into his throbbing head, amplified as if he stood in the front row of a terrible concert. Or maybe a train passed right in front of his face. All the lights were going to burn his eyes into a pathetic pile of dust if he wasn't going to melt first because of the ridiculous heat.

"So, are you weird because of whatever happened between you two lovebirds, or is it whatever's about to send you into the grave?"

"The hell are you on about?"

"You look like shit... Look, I can't have you spread whatever you managed to catch. Plus you're just a danger to yourself, go home. And then get your head out of your ass."

"You're so kind. Could you lend me some money for a taxi?"

"Wouldn't you just—? Sure, I'll add it to your bill."

Nya opened the door to recognise her brother just before they collapsed into her arms. As she found her footing, the sack of miserable lead began staining her clean clothes with tears and sweat.

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