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Cole chuckled in disbelief. "No way, Tox? What are you doing here?"

"I guess the same thing as you two." She gestured with their hands to Kai and Cole's, which were intertwined as well. How did he always get himself into these positions with Kai?

"Actually," Chamille jumped in, "we saw you and thought..."

"What would be a great way to reward you for the awesome dress?" Tox continued.

"And since we're on our way there..."

"Why not bring you along to Laughy's? Have you ever been there, Brookstone?"

Cole furrowed his eyebrows as he thought. "Never heard of it but knowing you I bet it's a club."

"Oh, hell yeah it's a club!" Kai exclaimed, eyes wide and bright. "And a super exclusive one at that! It's almost impossible to get there!"

"Then you're in luck, boys. Wanna join us?"

Kai turned to face Cole and tugged on his hand with so much excitement, it made Cole worry for the poor and forgotten ice cream cone in his other hand.

"Oh, please, please, please, let's go with them! I don't care if you're supposed to not trust strangers, this is the best offer they could give to you!"

"Strangers?" Tox muttered but Cole was too busy trying to get Kai to calm down so they could even hear his answer.

"Yeah of course, why not? I haven't been in a club since like..."

"Don't even try and finish that sentence," Tox stopped him. She motioned with her hand, careful not to spill whatever beverage she was having, and said, "Let's go then! It's not too far, we can go on foot with no problem."

As they walked away from the markets, emerging back into the sleepy part of the city, Cole made sure to properly introduce Kai and Tox, only to receive a scolding of, "You didn't tell me the dress was for the Tox!" The two actually got along well and walked ahead of Cole and Chamille as they chatted about something.

Cole quickly finished the ice cream while Chamille sipped on her drink.

"Be honest - did you follow us?" he said with a teasing tone in his voice.

She smirked at him. "Nice to see your ego's high again."

"So that's a yes."

"Sure. I have nothing better to do than stalk the fashion designer that's currently dominating the news and the love of his life."

"Shut up."

"No, I'm serious, did you see the news?"

"I didn't, actually," Cole said, ignoring her stare. Chamille blinked, then raised her eyebrows.

"You're serious?"

"Look, I just... don't feel like looking, you know? And especially not when I'm on a date, I'd rather stay off my phone."

"Oh right, I get it." But she couldn't say anything more because Tox just called after them, bringing their distance to Cole's attention. He should be more careful, especially if they were supposed to go to a club but it was so easy to get lost in one's own head.

"Hey, you bunch of snails! We're here, hurry up!" So they hurried, the music already being heard through the street that was filled with people coming and going or staying in place - which was a ridiculously long queue. Tox put her hands on her hips.

"You better not have tried any moves on my girlfriend, Stoner."

And they both gave her a blank look.

Kai was almost trembling with excitement, ready to burst into dance any moment as he bounced on his tiptoes and while Cole wasn't the biggest fan of clubs like those, he was excited to go as well.

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