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A few days before, Cole received a bunch of very excited texts which was the reason why he was now waiting by the entrance to the history museum, looking around to see if Kai is somewhere near. Sure, it was barely five minutes past their arranged meeting but he was getting a little antsy.

Then he finally saw him, along with some blond he recognised as his younger brother Lloyd as they got closer.

"Hey Cole!" Kai ran to him for a quick hug, while Lloyd reached them as well. "This is my brother Lloyd, he just turned twenty and he's a jerk but we love him, right, Lloyd?"

"Totally," Lloyd quipped and reached out with his hand. Cole didn't understand the need for formality but shook it nonetheless.

"Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. I heard a lot about you, Cole." Cole raised an eyebrow but Kai nudged Lloyd with their elbow and began speaking again.

"I thought it was going to be just the two of us but somebody," he gave Lloyd a pointed look, "insisted he so wanted to go as well, so I guess we're babysitting an adult now."

"Gotta pay somehow." Lloyd shrugged.

"Oh, I just– I'll be right back!" Kai ran back, leaving Cole alone with Lloyd. He assumed getting along with him wouldn't be an issue, since he hit it off with both Nya and Kai right away without a problem. But something about the way Lloyd watched him made him uneasy.

"So... twenty... that's a solid number, you've got any plans for the near future?"

"Finish school and become a proper employee instead of a basic intern." Lloyd shrugged again. His posture and clothes made him appear casual, relaxed – but his emerald eyes were like a pair of lasers burning into Cole's soul, he couldn't help but shift uncomfortably. Maybe he was overthinking. Lloyd seemed as welcoming and kind like his other two siblings while strangely menacing as well and Cole wondered if that was how he always looked or if there was a reason behind it.

"So, Cole, what do you think about Kai?" He cocked his head to the side and Cole had to remind himself not to make a step back. Maybe he just wasn't as easygoing with new people, that's a normal thing too, not everyone is socially adept without an issue.

"Uh– They're great, really neat. I love spending time with him."

Lloyd raised his eyebrows. "But do you like him?"

"Well– Yeah, of course I like him, why?"

"And you're being completely honest?"

"Wha–" Cole was interrupted by the buzz of his phone, so he excused himself to check what it was all about. He smiled at the preview of the newest message but decided to answer it later, once their trip to the museum is over. When he looked up, and maybe it was just him, Lloyd's gaze seemed to intensify, making Cole feel like he actually shrunk right then and there. Which was ridiculous – getting intimidated by someone who's so much younger than him? Come on.

"Who was that?"

"No one important." They were both looking at each other warily, Cole beginning to get fed up with the weird interrogation that seemed to be happening.

Luckily Kai got back soon, freeing Cole of the intense stare.

"Why are you guys being so weird?" So it wasn't just him, Kai noticed something too. That was a somewhat relaxing thought. However, at the same time, it meant that Lloyd was up to something.

"Cole was texting somebody."

"It was just Vania," he quickly explained.

"Does she not get the concept of friends?"

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