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Now, a reasonable thing to do when you oversleep would be... maybe not waste your time getting a coffee you could make at your office anyway.

But the thought of not doing his personal ritual was unimaginable. Just no. It would only ruin his day even further.

So, he burst into the coffee shop, extremely lucky to find it pretty much empty, and speed-walked to the counter, fixing his hair and quickly pulling out his wallet. He didn't even notice the cause of what kept him awake.

“You're late.”

Cole looked up and frowned. “What?”

“You always come at the same time...”

“Yeah... I... overslept.” As he handed Kai the money, a thought flashed through his mind. He really didn't even have to say anything, Kai automatically knew what he wanted. And Cole was ready for it as well. Despite missing this exact thing just yesterday, he was still perplexed by the fact.

“Oh yeah, I have quite the experience with that.” Kai chuckled, giving Cole the change.

Kai's smile isn't just as refreshing as his coffee, don't you dare think about it, Cole.

He's thinking about it... God damn it. Why does he never listen? The voice of reason is there for a reason.

“But won't coffee just slow you down?”

Cole played with the wallet in his hands. “Yeah, well...”

But then Kai put the fresh cup of coffee on the counter and leaned over it. “Run like the wind, Bullseye,” he said and Cole had to raise an eyebrow. Their pained expression was honestly hilarious. His eyes were closed when he muttered, “Please forget I said anything.”

“Whatever you say, Woody,” Cole replied with a smile, raising his hand with the coffee. He was so close to forgetting the rush he was previously in but the moment he turned around, the nervous panic was back and he sprinted out through the streets.

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