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"Never have I ever..." Kai stretched the last word as he thought, Cole stealing glances stealing glances at his phone screen. Why did he always agree to go on a call when he wanted to work? It was such a simple distraction and despite never getting hurt while working with his sewing machine, he didn't want to tease it.

"Uh... used a fake ID?"

"God damn it," Cole muttered, focusing on the fabric while fighting off a smile when Kai gasped.

"You know, I really believed you were a well-behaved kid!"

"I don't understand where you even got the impression."

"I dunno, you just don't give the rebel vibe. You're sweet... just not... a bad boy."

Cole chuckled. "You shouldn't underestimate people like that."

"Oh, I guess you're gonna pull up at my place with a sexy motorbike now and a leather jacket on and all, right?"

"Yeah, I'm actually on my way right now, the phone camera just makes it look like I'm at home working with my sewing machine, you know how phone cameras are."

The sudden silence caught his attention, so Cole stopped sewing and picked up his phone instead, while Kai sighed.

"I wish I could be there with you right now."

Cole smiled, happy to see Kai smile back. "I would invite you to come over, but you need to get some sleep."

"I worked sleep deprived before."


"Okay, okay." They sighed again. "But you gotta promise me you'll get some sleep too."

"I will!" He glanced at his unfinished work. "Just not right now."

"Come on, man," Kai groaned. "You can't do this to yourself."

"But I'm so close to have this done!"

"If I'm going to bed, I'm taking you with me."

Cole smirked. "You don't say."

"That's nowhere near what I meant and you know it!"

"Then what did you mean, Kai?"

"Ugh, you can be so insufferable sometimes, you know?"

"Insufferable, or irresistible?"

"Insufferable! In-sufferable!"

Standing up from his chair, Cole threw his head back as he laughed, only to see Kai's unamused face once he calmed down a little.

"Come on, sweetcheeks, lighten up."

"I am this close to putting hazelnuts into your coffee."

Cole walked into his bathroom, trying to make his phone stay in one place at the wash basin.

"You love me too much to do that."

"What I'm feeling right now is just pure hatred."

"You know what they say about hate and love."

Kai's frown seemed to relax once Cole out the toothbrush into his mouth.

"You should brush your teeth all the time if it means you'll shut up." And Cole rolled his eyes but couldn't offer a snarky response, unfortunately.

"You'll miss my voice anyway," he said once he was walking out of his bathroom.

"I miss your voice, just not what it's saying."

"Oh, so you just like me for my body, wow, you could've said that way earlier."

Kai sighed, making Cole go through another fight of holding back a laugh.

"You could do PR work, twisting my words and all, you'll do a wonderful job."

"I'm glad you can appreciate my talent."

"Anytime." Kai winked at him, then Cole put the phone away to change into something more suited for sleeping.

"Should I adopt a cat?"

"Oh, I would love a cat!" He held onto the phone, eyes glued to Kai behind the screen, as he got himself comfortable in the bed, snuggling under the blanket.

"What would you name it?"

"I'm not sure, depends on the breed and looks and stuff, you know?"

Kai seemed to be lost in thought instead. "Something paw-some. I know this guy Jay and he either comes up with the best names or the worst. But they're mostly good, gotta give him that..."

"We had three cats when I was a kid, eventually mum renamed them all to Fluffs." His words caught Kai's attention again. While Cole loved looking at Kai, looking into their eyes, no matter what, he would've preferred to have Kai lying there next to him instead of holding onto a simple phone.

"Aw, what were their names?"

"Bingo, Crumbles and Jerry."

"Jerry doesn't seem to fit there."

"It's still not so bad, dad wanted him to be called Jeremiah."

That made Kai erupt into a fit of giggles and watching him, Cole thought it was the most endearing sound and sight. He wanted to see him happy like this forever.

"Oh, that's fucking brilliant name, I'm stealing that idea, actually, yeah. I'll get a cat and name it Jeremiah, that's perfect."

Watching them through the screen, Cole wished he had invited Kai to come over. It was a strange feeling, he really didn't understand it himself, but he felt a strong need to have them right there, by his side. In flesh and all.


"I really like you, Kai," he blurted out, yet not a hint of regret came crashing in. It felt almost freeing.

And their smile was ethereal.

"I really like you too, Cole."

The next morning when he woke up, his phone was almost dead but he felt incredibly alive.

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