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"Erm. What will be your order?"

Oh. He got so used to the brunet cashier – Kai –  that he forgot to say his order. So, now there was some inpatient-looking cashier tapping their crimson and amber nails on the counter separating them.

Quick, Cole, don't get hypnotised by the rhythmic sound.

"Oh, um, large black coffee to go please." Great. What a wonderful start to his day. Exactly what he needed – piss off a poor cashier and everyone else waiting behind him, bringing excessive attention to himself in the process too.

He dismissed the fact, that having Kai get his order was – after only a few days – already so implemented into his routine. Of course it made sense, how come he forgot so easily?

But he saw him that day too. They were by the coffee machine and when he looked up and noticed Cole standing there, they waved at him before getting back to their job.

Cole would like to say he forgot about everything the moment he left, however, it would be a lie in all aspects.

Whatever, it's just a friendly barista, he had a fair share of them already. Heck, one of his friends was a barista. They met thanks to his daily routine. He just has to be more careful next time and not zone out like today. It's fine.

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