29) Triangles are My Favorite Shape

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Ok this song I feel like goes so perfectly with this chapter, I had to quote it for the title:D


Theo and I had decided that enough was enough with missing school and sucked it up for the next two weeks. I had gotten caught up, and I fell into a pattern with him that just seemed right. We would wake up, get ready, have him stuff food in my mouth before we left the house, and ride back home together. Some evenings were filled with sitting around the dinning room doing homework while he sorted through work emails, while other consisted of us trying to determine what those damn numbers meant. I was beginning to side with Theo, but I hadn't given up quite yet. Something had told me that there was a deeper meaning behind them.

Winter break was near, and seeing as we got Thanksgiving through New Years off, I was rather thrilled to get all my extra work out of the way. Mallory had been over a few times, and we had gotten work done together. We had been a duo team since the night of the party. From what Theo told me, somehow Levis secret came out and Jess wasnt all too happy about it. I had attempted to call her to apologize for keeping it a secret, on top of texting multiple times to meet up so we could chat about it, but I was met with the same clipped polite answer of needing space. I couldn't blame her, its a shitty situation, but my hands were tied.

Kingsley had left me alone, but I felt daggers in my back everytime I had to walk by the cheerleaders hangout. He was always over there with Cooper, and I knew that if I wasnt with one of the guys or Mallory when I walked by, I would be fair game. For that very reason, Theo had discretely made sure someone was always with me, which most of the time was him. Today, however, I walked out with Mallory by my side, ranting about something that her father told her this morning that had him all worked up.

Speaking of Mallory...

She told me discretely this morning that she had broken up with Clay. She gave me minimal details, but told be they agreed to keep it on the DL that she had done so. Something about him thinking he initiated it, so it made it ok that he broke things off with her.

Boys were seriously a different breed.

I had to bite my tongue from not asking if it had anything to do with Griffin, seeing as he had flat out already told her they were mates. I knew time would only tell, and if she wanted to come clean, she would.

As we neared Theos car that the five of us had all taken today, I felt an uneasy emotion settle in my chest. Theo was tense, and on the phone with what I could only assume was a pack member. His eyes were intense, and his posture hinted at is irritated mood. Griffin looked down at the asphalt and Levis arms were folded whilst he stared off into the distance, both men appearing to be listening into Theo's conversation. When we reached the car and Theo finally hung up, they all had a moment of silence sharing a look with one another. Worry lines made themselves prevalent on Levis face, while Griffin let out an exasperated groan. Theo remained quiet, which scared me more than anything.

"What was that about?" Mallory asked, beating me to the question as her eyes flickered amongst the guys.

Another moment of silence met her question, and I felt the tension rise in my throat.

"Theo, tell us."

His obsidian eyes came to meet my own worried orbs, and though his words were quiet sneaking by his gritted teeth, they still made my stomach plummet.

"Another note was delivered today."

The next few minutes were a blur of climbing into the car, speeding off and listening to each of the guys frustration. Theos classic rant of swears that varied from English to Italian let free, as he gripped the wheel tight and sped down the road. Griffin instructed Mallory on what to do to do as soon as we got back to the house, and she nodded along weakly. Levi spoke harshly over the phone to have incognito guards around Jess at all times, seeing as she wouldn't even come near him. The discoloration under his eyes and the permanent worry lines on his face made him seem so...sad. And Levi has never come across as sad.

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