30) Sweet Revenge

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Upon my suggestion, Theo reassembled us all in kitchen, seeing as the office was a wreck. When one of the house staff came to check on the damage, I awkwardly smiled and showed myself the door, not wanting to see their reaction.

We all sat around the large table I had first sat down at to meet Theos family. Just as I predicted, Jess had pushed aside her betrayal from us to come to my aid. She was loyal and kinder than I was, that was for sure. She hadn't said much, just plopped herself down next to Mallory and stared straight ahead at me to avoid Levis eyes on her from the other side of her.

"Whats all this about Ade?"

I smile sadly at her, missing my sweet best friend going everywhere with Mal and I. I knew now wasnt the time to share how sorry I was and try to get her back, so I decided to come clean. I lean forward on the table and fold my hands together.

"I received a threatening note about a month ago or so. We went to Texas to figure out who it could be from, which is where someone made an attempt on my life. The man who did it said he had instructions form another, so Theo has been working tirelessly to find both men involved. One of which happens to be his brother, who also happens to have emotionally manipulated Griffins sister in order to get her to run away with him. I received another note today, this time claiming that there is some secret about me that I need to discover by finding Theos brother before he gets to my mother. The letter also stated that I am in fact now falsely mated to him as well through some sort of coven magic that he has access to."

I stop, pausing to rack my brain for any details i might have skimmed over. "Did I miss anything, guys?"

I see a table full of heads shaking, and I nod indifferently. "The reason you all are here now is because I think that Kingsley may have more of an idea of what is going on than I first thought."

That got everyones attention, and Im met with stares of simmering anger at the mention of the asshole. I clear my thorught and continue. "When we went to Texas, he pulled me aside the day we left and ominous told me to 'have fun in Texas'."

Griffin scratches his chin, and leans back in his chair as if he was thinking. "That does insinuate he could have known what was to come from the weekend... Has he said anything else even remotely threatening since?"

Before I can even stop it, I scoff. "I havent talked to that dick since I left home. He has yet to even try to speak to me since."

The men all nod in approval and share a look with one another. I spare a glance at Jess, who eyes have softened as she stares at me bewildered. When our eyes meet, I feel my own soften. I hated doing this to her, hated not telling her any of this. She's one of my best friends, I cant imagine myself being in her shoes in this situation.

Theo must pick up on this, and he murmurs to the guys that they need to look into Kingsleys schedule so they can find a time to corner him and get him alone. After he kisses the top of my head, they leave, and the three of us are left by ourselves. The room is quiet, feelings and tension are so high that it is almost tangible.

I speak first, "Jess, when I frist became aware of this world, I was in such disbelief that I didnt even know how I would tell anyone that my boyfriend is a supernatural being. I knew that from the get go it was a serious situation, and one that I had promised to conceal not just for my safety, but for the guys as well. No matter what my opinion on sharing this information was, there were rules in place, forbidding me from speaking out."

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