18) The Note

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We stopped right outside the house a few rap songs later, all of us stepping out of the car with different feelings. Griffin led the way to the intimidating exterior of the house, and grabbed for Mals house when she eyed it cautiously. He talked in a hushed tone with her, and her face started to relax a bit, seeming at ease with his words. I followed behind them, bored already of the situation. I felt the effect of the alcohol I had last night in my head, and quite frankly don't remember having any water afterwards. My head was pounding, and my eyes drooped demanding sleep. I knew something wasn't right, but so far Griffin hasn't shown me any real reason to be worried. Jess was quite the opposite, trailing in the back, still humming along to the song that turned off with the car. I wish i could have woken up like she did.

The walk up to the house seemed longer then when I came here the first time, and I knew that was because of m uncertainty. The house looked the same on the outside, but I knew the inside would be a different story.

Griffin opened the door for Mal, guiding her in by her lower back, and waited to close the door until Jess had walked in after her. I stood on the porch ready to question the real reason I had come, but he beat me to it.

"He's not mentally in a good place right now, Adeline." He warned me. " There's something going on that is beyond us right now. But regardless of how big of a deal this really is, I don't want you to get overwhelmed."

I shake my head, trying to make sense of what he said. " Why would I get overwhelmed?"

" You need to talk to Theo about that," is all he answered. He ignores my glare and after a pause continues. " I can't tell you Adeline. But he will be acting different in there. Regardless of how you may feel, just know he wouldn't hurt you. Don't shy away from him. It will make it worse."

"Duly noted," I reply, still ticked we came all the way out here and nobody is still telling me what is happening.

He frowns, but still opens the front door. "If it becomes too much for you, just yell. I'll be downstairs with the girls."

I felt my face soften, and I nodded at him. It was comforting to know Griffin was this concerned for me and would be with my best friends in this new place for them. .

I walked in, and see my friends gapping at the luxurious house. Though it looked the same, the air felt thick with anger. I rubbed my chest, almost feeling the pain of whatever had caused this. Is this from Theo? Am I feeling this from our bond?

Griffin files in after me, offering them a tour. They both agree and wave at me until they part from my vision after I tell them I'm off to find Theo. I see Lea round the corner as soon as they disappear. She looks at me with relief.

"Oh good, you are here." She says, swiftly making her way over to me. I notice she looks tense, and I give her a concerned look.

"Whats going on?" I ask. I haven't even stepped two feet into the house and I'm already feeling uneasy.

"He will be relieved to see you, dear. I'm glad to see you are fine." She continues ignoring my question. I grunt. Of course she wont answer. She envelopes me in a hug, and I allow her to squeeze me as I awkwardly try to find a way to put my arms around her. 

I hear loud footsteps rush down the stairs, and crane my head to see Levi. His appearance looks tired and anxious. I frown at this, he usually is happy and greeting me with a smile. When he locks eyes with me, he send a weak smile my way.

"Thank God," He says, and Lea pulls away from me. I can't imagine what is causing all this fuss. I dont even know what is happening until he squeezes me just as tightly as Lea did. I let a breath out, and he backed off. "Sorry," He said with a small smile, "You have no idea how much you are about to help though."

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