15) F-Wing

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I felt like skipping down the hallway the next morning. Last night ended around the dinner table, the five of us enjoying each other's company. Lea was definitely Theo's Mom, I couldn't help but see things he did in her. I was really glad I met her and we got along. The feeling of having another adult like Mrs Crimson was relaxing.

I knew Theo's father was there too, Lea had told me that they went to the banquet. I could tell Theo was disappointed he hadn't come down to meet me, but as usual, he covered it up.

I had drove to school by myself this morning to give me time to think. I needed to figure out how much I could say without making a mess of things. But I owed Theo an explanation, I knew that much. He had told me things that we personal to him, and I knew that I should do the same. But it wasn't that simple. My situation could result in my step father acting unpredictably. He had the power over me and my mom, and without him, we wouldn't even have a house.

But instead of thinking about any of that, all I could think of was Theo. My mind always went back to him. Last night we wouldn't have stopped going if we hadn't been interrupted. The thought brought my mind to shambles. I felt so ready last night, but theres so much we put off when we get wrapped up in our spells we have over each other. I needed to talk to a lot of stuff with him, but we always end up getting distracted. As soon as I get a moment where I can focus, I promised myself I would try to come up with a group of answers I could give him.

I walked into the school with my head held high, already feeling that today was going to be a great day. I looked over where Jess and Mal park to see their spots filled, but they weren't anywhere in sight.

Probably inside.

I weaved through people until I saw my friends against the wall talking to each other. I walked toward them, and as soon as I caught their eyes I knew something was wrong.

"Hey guys," I said, looking between them. "Everything ok?"

Instead of a reply, I feel Mallory grab my hand harshly. She stomps down the hallway, with me in tow. We make it to a cleared out hallway when she finally stops and whirls around. She looks angry.

"What the hell is going on?" She asked me, crossing her arms over her chest. I try to remember if I did anything obnoxious over the past 24 hours. I don't recall doing anything bad, so I wait for her to clarify.

"Guess what Griffin told me last night?" She asked, her eyes slight with anger. My eyebrows furrowed and waited for her to continue. "He told me he was a werewolf."

My eyes widened. But she didn't stop there.

"He also said," she continued. "That you knew this already." I didn't say anything, because I couldn't deny the truth.

"Why wouldn't you tell me this, Ade?!" She exclaimed.

"Mal, I wanted to, but I promised I wouldn't," I explained, trying to reason with her. "I didn't hide it because I don't trust you, I hid it because I said I would. You know I would have said something if it put or anyone in harms way."

She considered this. Mallory had always understood I kept good on my word, and if I promised something I wouldn't go back on it. I still saw the look of betrayal in her eyes.

"But," She said, almost a whisper. "Were best friends. I thought we told each other everything."

Seeing her torn like that made me feel awful, making me push away my emotions so I could talk without blubbering.

If only she knew. She doesn't even know half of it.

"Mal, we are best friends. I don't want this to change that," I told her, laying a hand on her shoulder. "Nothing will ever change that for me. You've been by my side through everything, and I only did what I thought made the most sense. There was no point concerning you with something as big as this. Plus, it's not my place to say. Griffin was supposed to tell you."

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