2) Dont Look at Me Buddy

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Order for Adeline?" The barista asks. I walk over to the counter and thank him. I take my iced coffee over to the table Mal is at sipping her frappuccino. We enjoy our drinks in silence for a minute until i realize Mal is picking at her nails.

" You ok, Mal?"

She looks up and nods. I shrug and take that as an acceptable answer and go to sip my coffee.

"Actually, no , I need to tell you something." She rushes out. 

I sigh and set my coffee back down, giving her my attention.

" So I know I said no more meetings or celebrations or anything, but i need you to do me a huge favor." She says causally, trying not to show the fact she is going to say something I dont like.

"Ok..." I say raising my eyebrow.

" My mom, shes throwing a party, ball, whatever you want to call it. She invited your family too. Im sorry Ade, I tried to tell her no but she wouldn't hear it. " She told me staring at her drink. I groaned.

" Mal... I hate those parties." I tell her rubbing my face.

"I don't know why they do it Ade! It's just another party to butter up to a client or possible investor."

" I swear these parties and ideas your mom has are going to be the death of me. When are we going dress shopping?" I ask her , making her smile.

" Now. The party is in two days." She tells me. My head snaps up.

"Two days? Why is this just now coming up?"

" I owe you, I know, but we really should go!" She says already getting up and running out of her chair. She runs fast almost runs into a man on her way out the door. He looks at her in disgust, then turns to me.

"Hey, don't look at me buddy, I've already tried helping her. There's nothing I could do." I tell him as I follow my idiotic best friend back to her car to go shopping.


" So where to first? The food court, the pretzel stand, the exit?" I ask as we enter our mall. Mal rolls her eyes and drags me into her favorite boutique, Harriets Design. I automatically go over to the opposite side of the store. Mal goes over to the 4 size section. 

Curse her skinny ass.

I look at all the dresses that would make me look pregnant and dull, but none that really would look good on me whatsoever. The woman who works at HD (what Mal and I call it) comes to me with a quizzical look on her face. I see her and try to ignore her, since I already know what she is going to ask.

" Hello sweetie. Are you sure you are in the right section? The 4s are on the other side of the store with that young lady you walked in with." She tells me. I force a smile on my face.

" Nope, I know my size. Thank you though." I say as I look at the larger sizes. She studies me and decides I am right.

"Yes, I suppose you do. Let me know if you need anything." She tells me, her smile more faint. I nod as she walks away. I clutch the dress in my hand. 

This happens every time I go out shopping with my best friend. Her lean, athlete like body confuses employees with mine. I turn my head to the mirror beside me. I look a my generous hips that make it impossible for me to fit in anything. I get why people don't know why I have to get a larger size dress. Most people just ask me why I'm in the wrong section or if I'm confused. Which explains why I hate shopping. My bust never helps much either. I take a second to look at the dress in my hands. I actually pulled out a really nice one, a dark blue elegant full length dress.

"Ready?" I hear my best friend ask from behind me. I turn to look at her, and quickly glance down at her three or four gorgeous dresses that will obviously fit her perfectly. I look back up at her and nod.

"Damn girl, you look hot!" Mal exclaims as she studies me in the dress. It hugs my upper body, but flairs out, making me feel like I don't have to waddle to maneuver myself around. I feel my lip twitch. I won't argue with her. It did flaunt my hourglass figure.

"You do too, but what's new?"I return looking up at her flawless figure in a light pink shorter dress. She grins and rolls her eyes.

"You're getting that dress, Ade." She declares as she rushes back into her dressing room, leaving me no room to argue. I smile and sigh as I retreat back to my dressing room. Mal is the only one who can get away with telling me what to do.

Though we took the long way just so I wouldn't have to go home earlier than I could, we still made it to my house in less than 15 minutes. I look over at Mal, and see her giving me a small smile, trying to encourage me.

"I'll pick you up, same time tomorrow?" She asks me. I nod without meeting her eyes, but she nudges me to get me to look up at her.

She smiles at me, but then her face grows serious, "I'm serious, call me if you need something." I look at her in the eyes and tell her I would.

Remembering last second to grab my bag, I take it out of the car with me. I get to the porch and wave to Mal as she drives away. When I can't see her anymore, I turn to the door and stand there. I wait, as if I want someone to open the door and say "Adeline, what are you doing out here, it's cold, come in" maybe if it's not too much to ask, adding some kind of loving nickname like "sweetie". Or maybe, one of the simplest phrases to keep my hands from shaking like "welcome home". But it doesn't come.

So I take a deep breath. And I walk in.

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