34) Not What it Seems

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I don't just jump back into consciousness, but leap. Literally. My body jerks forward, and my head whips around before being met with an agonizing throb. All around I feel weak and feverish, leading me to wonder how long i've been out.

Upon looking around, I come to realize that my wrists are tied down to the wooden chair Im sitting in. I move my leg to see if I can feel the blade of the knife I brought along, and curse to find nothing. Ive been stripped of the only thing that may defend me.

Not allowing myself enough time to be scared, I work on formulating a plan to get out of my restraints. I was all for being kinky, but being drugged and bound to a chair just wasnt exactly what I had in mind when it came to curving my libido.

Especially if that didnt include Theo.

Speaking of Theo...

I begin to search my mind for the channel of communication that Ive been getting used ot seeing. I push at ever barrier, but come to find what feels like a hollowed out tunnel, barren and out of order.

What ever was just in my system definitely was to blame.

A rattling of the door knocks me out of my thoughts, and I freeze. I already knew who I would find before his face showed in the doorway.

Theos younger brother waltzes into the room smiling like he just got off his 9-5 and is about to crack open a cold one on the couch. Those beady brown eyes are trained on me,and tho I hate to admit it, his facial structure resembles that of his brothers . Seeing as he's the reason I'm locked up and feeling like someone hit me in the head with a cast iron skillet, thats about as far as the similarities stretch.

And thank God for that.

"Im so glad youre awake, my flower," Alosious chirps, his voice unsettlingly even. "I was beginning to think I put too much in your system."

A heat crept in my body and I squirmed at the uncomfortable sensation. "Too much of what?"

"Just a mild tranquilizer, dear. I wouldn't have had to if you didn't bring that sad excuse of a weapon that I had to rid you of."

His eyes rack me up and down, his smile cheery as ever. I blanch without even thinking, and almost actually vomit. As if he had any right to look at me after all hes done.

"What the hell do you even want from me? Haven't you taken enough?"

"Right now?" He replies, his eyes trailing over me once more. I feel beads of sweat drip down my face and my body. Ive never felt this on edge before.  " I want to get you out of my brother's shirt. You reak of him, mate. Did you know that?"

I snort, the unladylike sound still not stopping his suggestive gaze. "Fat chance. Hes my actual mate after all, you wont be getting rid of whatever it is you smell."

"Actually, " Alosious' eyes gleam with a promise of something that I'm positive is not good. " I will be, and I plan on it. Thats in the working right now."

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